#58 I wish I was dancing with Olivia right now.

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I watch a blur of trees go by from the window of Jordans car as he drove us deeper and deeper into the wilderness where we planned to lose ourselves and escape every aspect of our lives for one weekend. Every year we come here, drink more than our bodies can handle, party with heavy drugs and hook up with random girls who never stick around the next morning.

He pulled up outside a nature reserve, covered completely in wild grass and tall trees, secluded and hidden away from all civiliasian. We hauled the tents out of the car and began setting up our camp for the weekend. Once everything was set up we sat on large logs around the campfire with a beer bottle in our hands. I used this time to check my phone, hoping to find a text from Olivia but instead feeling disappointment to find messages from nobody important.

"Right, no phones." Jordan said snatching it out of my hand, clearly I wasn't masking my disappointment well. "I'm gonna send a text to every female I have in my phone book, besides my mom. Telling them we're in the wilderness somewhere off the interstate and whoever finds us first gets to have us for the weekend." His fingers made quick work typing on his phone as he spoke to us. "Here let's take a selfie, take your shirts off." They all stripped their t.shirts off and waited for me to climb into the camera frame but I stayed sitting on my log.

"You all make me cringe so bad. DON'T send Olivia that message." With my obvious lack of movement my friends gathered around me, forcing me into the picture.

"Sent." Jordan said with a mischievous smile. He then took all of our phones and locked them in his car.


I had polished off about ten bottles of beer, rejected the marijana and secretly thought about Olivia all night. I wondered what she was doing, who she was with and if she was smiling. I wanted to text her or call her but I was already breaking the code of the 'lost weekend' by thinking of the girl from home. So instead I concentrated on the dancing naked flame in front of me and continued swirling a sausage around on a stick to cook it through.

"I found them!" A voice in the distance shouted and my friends erupted in cheers.

Four girls trud through fallen leaves and headed our way, I didn't even look up from the campfire hopefully telling them I was disinterested but when they joined me on the logs around the campfire I raised my head and offered them a polite smile.


Everything was spinning and I felt like I was going to vomit out all of the alcohol my body had consumed over the last few hours. Jordan had broken the 'no phone rule' and was snapping pictures of everything. Zak had taken one of the girls into the tent and they told us to not disturb them. Ben sat making out with another girl. But me? I danced around the campfire to the dumb tunes Jordan's car stereo was throwing out.

As my feet moved against the beat of the bassline I held Zoe's tiny waist tightly and swayed her from side to side as she faced away from me. Occasionally the back of her body would rub against my front and even in my drunken state it would sent little jolts directly to my heart. The electrocuting kind, not the good kind like I get from Olivia.

I wish I was dancing with Olivia right now.

Zoe turned around to face me and suddenly our bodies were closer than I had anticipated. Her eyes darted from my eyes to my lips and back again making her intentions extremely clear. Her lips looked red, but natural not lipstick and were lusciously plump and hydrated. She had a pale complexion, not really wearing much makeup but she looked naturally pretty and her eyelashes were abnormally long.

Her body was ridiculously toned and because of that I assumed that she took a sport, she dressed well but didn't try to hard or come on too strong. The old Liam would've jumped at the chance to have her give me my release but this Liam knows she is incomparable to Olivia. So when her face started inching closer towards mine I backed away slowly.

"Sorry." I said, reaching up and rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm..." I paused trying to find the right words to describe what I have with Liv. We said no commitments and no labels. We're dating but we haven't been on a date yet. We're beyond friendship. We're not fuck buddies. We're allowed to see other people even though I don't want to. "it's... complicated." I settled on.

She nodded her head in understanding and I was thankful when she didn't look too hurt, I think I was just a random hook up to her so she didn't care. I took her hand and led her back to the logs around the campfire. The group had pretty much all coupled up and were off doing God knows what so that left me and Zoe alone to talk.

"Do you love her?" she asked, grabbing herself a drink.

My eyebrows raised about three foot into the air at her question. It was a simple question but it brought so many inner struggles. I only admitted I was growing feelings for her last week and now the 'L' word was getting thrown around. I looked at Zoe who innocently waited for my answer and I don't know if it was the intoxication melting away my brain or if I was just feeling brave tonight but I felt like honesty was the best direction.

"I love her with all of my heart." I replied not even masking my smile, freeing the words from lips to a complete stranger in the middle of nowhere.

"She's lucky." Zoe replied, taking another swig from the bottle.

I looked at her, analysing her face for any trace of sarcasm but it seemed she was being completely sincere. I'm the lucky one. But then Zoe has no clue who I am and what I'm like.

"She wants me to meet her parents next weekend at a family dinner."

Her hazel eyes flutter towards me in surprise but I ignore her look or I'll panic even more than I already am about meeting her parents.

"And you said it was complicated?" Her brow furrowed in confusion but I assumed her question was rhetorical and didn't answer. "That's some serious relationship shit, that is." She muttered loud enough for me to hear. I took another swig from my beer bottle, maybe that's why I don't want to meet them.

"I get to go sit around her parents dining table while she rubs it in my face that she comes from a perfect family when she knows what a shit show mine is."

"She obviously wants you around for the long haul. And sounds like you want her around too so you should introduce her to your family, shit show or not."

I laugh, blowing air into the glass bottle I'm holding to my lips. It echoes around the bottle amplifying the sound of my laughter.

"Trust me, I'll NEVER introduce her to my family." My amusement to the statement was not hidden in my tone and just incase she wasn't entirely sure I added in the word 'ever' to the end.

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