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Agent Eighteen's POV:

"I have no idea," I say sipping my coffee.

"Do you think the gangsters we met earlier that day had something to do with your accident?" Meghan asks.

"Maybe I can't tell for sure..." I drift off.

"Did you see the number plate or," Jen questions.

"Nope. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Nix. Zilch," I tell them. Though I know it got to do with the gangsters for sure.

"Why are you all up so early?" I hear Ben say from top of the staircase.

"Oh you know, the usual. We were plotting your murder and were making sure it looks like an accident," Meghan jokes. I tried to suppress my laugh.

"Oh really, let me suggest some," Ben says running down the stairs towards us. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Meghan opens and closes her mouth like a fish. Jen rolls her eyes at his behavior.

"So, what have you planned so far?" Ben asks with excitement lacing his voice.

"A bullet through your heart," Meghan says.

"What? That's so boring. Try to be more creative," he says marching towards the kitchen. He picks up a teapot and tries to on the burner.

"Ben, don't you dare walk towards the burner. Your tea is already on the counter," I stated.

"Oh come on. I am not that bad of a cook," he says with a dramatic huff.

"Really, last time I checked, you almost burned down the agency," I state out the fact.

"Mistakes happen. It's fine."

"Mistakes are fine but mishaps aren't," Jen says still with her eyes focused on her laptop. Ben glares at her while I and Meghan chuckle.

Later that day, the team gathered in the study to plan on how to catch Noah Smith.

"Noah Smith, twenty-seven years old, CEO of Smith's enterprises, lives in Jacksonville. His company is also located close by, history unknown," Jen declared.

"What about geography?" Ben questions throwing another paper plane in air. It flies towards Liam. Liam gets hold of the paper plane before it pricks him. He glares before squashing the paper and throwing it back towards Ben which he easily dodges.

"Ben, behave!" I scowled at him. He downcast his eyes as if he is saddened by his own behavior. I turn my attention back towards Jen waiting for her to continue on her reports. I suddenly feel a tiny prick on my cheek. I look at my lap to see a small paper plane.

Why am I not surprised?

I let out a huff and stood up from my seat.

"We will be leaving tomorrow to get Noah. He will be in his company and that's where we will attack him. Let's hope he has connections with Maria Evans," I voice my plan.

"And we will be training tonight. Ben, you will be sparring with Alex."

"What!? That big dude over there," he points towards Alex.

"Excuse me?"

"No thanks, I am good," he says casually leaning back on the chair.

"I don't remember telling you that you have a choice," I smirk.

"Eighteen, please... He will eat me alive. I am too young to die," he pleads.

"Says the one who plotted his own death this morning," Meghan says with an own smirk of hers.

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