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Eighteen's POV:

"It's Eighteen," I say and march towards Meghan.

We spin in circles, not caring about Antonio and Alex who have already started throwing punches at each other.

Meghan has always been very calculative. She never attacks first. She let's the opponent attack her as she uses the defense mechanism before attacking her opponent.

But that's not in my case. I usually attack first. But in this case, to beat her, I must level up my game.

"You hurt my heart Meghan," I state.


"You know, injured tiger is more dangerous," I say and pounce at her. I pull my hand back and punch her. She gets hold of my wrist before it makes contact with her face. I don't think twice and implement my second move.

I bring my knee up to her abdomen but she let's go of my wrist and steps away from my attack. With a lightning speed, she brought her elbow to my jaw. My face snaps to the side as a small trail of blood drips down my jaw.

I clench my teeth and stand erect to see Meghan already got behind me as held my throat in a choke-hold. I grab hold of her arm and bend and flip her over me. She went tumbling down on the ground. She cries out in pain as her back hits the rough ground.

"Look around Meghan. Your fighting a losing battle.It's better to surrender. "

"Never," she says as she slowly gets back on her feet and throws a high kick at me. I dodge it just in time. I kick her leg as she stumbles a little. She continues to throw series of punches, as I block all of them. She tries to punch me again but I duck down as I hit her in gut. She cries out in pain as I assault her with  another  kick filled with vengeance.

As I walk towards her crumbled figure, I hear a familiar voice cry out in agony of pain. I quickly spin on my heels, my eyes widen in shock as I take in the sight. Alex was on the ground, his eyes closed tightly in pain as he was grasping his shoulder which was bent in an awkward angle.

Jayden and Jessica jumped out of nowhere and started assaulting Antonio but they were soon joining Alex on the ground.

I quickly run towards them. Jayden and Jess weren't as badly bruised as Alex. I squat down beside him to see his injury looked worse up close. There was tons of red and purple marks colouring his face. I turn my attention to his shoulder, which looks dislocated. I apply a small pressure on his shoulder to check if his shoulder is in fact dislocated. He winces in pain and pushes my hand away. He slowly opens his eyes still with an agonizing expression.

"I...am...fine. Get An-Antonio..." I nod with a determined gleam and get back on my feet. I turn around in search of Antonio but he was nowhere in sight. I see most of the gangsters were lying on the ground and some surrendered to the agents. Antonio might have realised that he is gonna lose so he might have decided to escape.

I hear the traitor chuckle as I turn my glare at her. "Where is he?" I growl vehemently.

She doesn't say anything as she had a smug face.

"Meghan, where is your father?" I ask again.

"Where is your brother?" she asks with a smirk.

The whole world stops when I register her question. I spin in circles with wide eyes in search of my brother.

"Where is he!?" I yell at her. She chuckles again.

"You know. When my dad is close to defeat, he makes sure to inflict enough pain on his opponent before accepting his defeat," she says with a wicked smirk.

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