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Eighteen's POV:

"I am getting so frustrated Alex. I hate this dress," I grumble as I fix my dark blue crisscross halterneck chiffon maxi dress. I had my hair cascading down as beachy waves. I stare at my reflection. The girl who is staring back looks different. A good difference. It's been so long I have dressed up like this. All I have in my wardrobe is black, black and more black.

"Oh come on. It's not like we get to party and dress up everyday," I hear him say through the other side of the door.

I told the team about crashing the party. Ben has never been so excited. We went out shopping the next day, went through the blue prints of the mansion where the party is held. We had planned everything perfectly to get hold of him. Today is the day I put an end to his reign and avenge my mother's death.

I decided not to let Katherine and Noah get tangled up in our mission. So I gave them the key to their new house and they were more than grateful.

"Alex, I might take some time. I'll meet you downstairs," I say through my walk-in closet.

"Though I doubt you to be one among those girls who take long time to dress up, I'll give you some time. I'll be waiting downstairs," he states. Soon I hear his footsteps fading as I hear the bedroom door lock.

I place my hand on my chest hoping the heaviness would lift off. We planned everything well and there is no way we are gonna lose it and I finally get to complete my goal but why does it feel like something is wrong like the same way I felt while my dad left for work that night and our house blew up in flames. Maybe if he had stayed, he would have saved my mum but it's no time to grieve about the past. I quickly put on some light makeup and leave the room.

I walk down the stairs to see everyone in the living room. Jen was wearing a fishtail hem glitter mesh grey gown. She was busy typing away in her laptop with concentration. I notice Meghan sitting on the other side of the couch with her elbow resting on the arm of the couch as she types something in her phone. She is wearing full sleeve slit glitter black dress.

My eyes rank over to other side to notice Alex wearing blue three piece suit. Other two wore the same but with different colors. Liam wore in grey whereas Ben was in black. As I walked down the stairs, my heels clicked against the tiled floor. I hear Ben debating that he is better looking than Liam and Alex. They both don't protest as they know very well they won't win it.

Alex looks bored out of mind as he leaned against the wall with his hand stuffed in his pocket. He notices me walking towards him as his jaw drops open.

"Dude, close your mouth. You're gonna catch dinosaurs," Ben snickered. Alex snaps his mouth shut. He clears his throat and walks towards me with small smile.

"You look really beautiful," he mumbles slowly so I could be the only one to hear but can anything miss Ben's ears. He walks forward throwing his hand around my shoulder.

"You meant to say she doesn't look beautiful the other times," Alex's eyes widen as he shakes his head as a no, "So rude Alex. That's not what I expected from you," Ben says in mock anger. I roll my eyes and elbow him in the ribs as he laughs hysterically.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," I compliment him as we walk towards the garage and get our cars out. I get in the car with Alex. Meghan and Ben are taking the other SUV and so does Liam and Jen.

I stay silent as Alex drives to the destination. Thousands of possibilities swirl through my mind. What if we don't get hold of him? What if he escapes? What if he doesn't attend the party? What if...

"Everything will go according to the plan," Alex says to put my mind at ease. I turn towards him to see him still looking to his front, driving. He takes a quick glance at me and smiles.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't worry. Everything will be fine," he says and swiftly turns the car to the other lane.

I let out a heavy sigh. "I hope so," I whisper to myself and close my eyes.

After few more minutes of driving, we finally reach the huge mansion where the party is held. The mansion scream money and wealth but little did the world know there is only filth and cruelty hidden in it.

I lock my hand with Alex and walk towards the entrance. As I step in, I notice men in tux and women in lavish gowns.

I see Ben and Meghan enter soon followed by Jennifer and Liam.

I stay at the bar with Meghan. Jen and Liam were at the CCTV room. Ben and Alex were few feet away chatting. I take a sip of the drink as I survey the surrounding.

"It's been fifteen minutes. He might be here anytime," Meghan whispers slowly. "I'll be on the other side of the hall. Okay?" she asks. I nod in return.

I hear some random guy get on the stage as he speaks how the ball is having a special guest which all are excited to meet.

I roll my eyes and sip my drink. I catch sight of Alex walking towards me with Ben in tow.

"The party is magnificent," Ben complimented.

"Yeah. That's because they use the black money," I grumble.

I turn my attention back to the guy in the stage.

"I am extremely privileged to welcome the honorable guest, Mr. Antonio Esposito."

I hear the speaker say which was followed by huge claps and cheers.

I clench my hand tightly around the glass trying my best not to let out my inner animal. My bloodshot eye take in the view of him walking with his bodyguards waving his hand with a wicked smile. A little more pressure, the glass would break into pieces. Alex quickly rips off the glass before it breaks. My eyes never leave him as he walks towards the stage.

He is finally here.

My target.

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