chapter 8

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Gabriel’s POV:

I didn’t go see her yesterday but I couldn’t get her out of my head since I kissed her.
This is so great. Just what I needed (note the sarcasm)
I got in the school looking around for her and she’s not here yet. Just when I decide to go wait for her outside I saw her coming with Andrew holding hands.
Why is he holding hands with her? Why is this even bothering me.
After he left with her, I couldn’t think straight, I just can’t bear seeing her with him and they’re alone now. What could they be talking about?
I followed them and hid somewhere behind them, he came with some drinks and gave her one.
Then he asked her about the baby’s father, I wanna know more to so I came out and stood behind them. They didn’t notice that I was behind them.
Her story matches with my own, No! No way! I ran out of there into the lounge and locked it.
I remember everything now. I hurt a girl at a party thinking she’s one of those b’tc.hes who throws their selves at me. Chat MartinMartino on zero eight one eighty thirty fourteen twenty one to be added to his WhatsApp group.I can hear her screams and plea.
I was drunk that night, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t even see her face well, but I know I r@’p.ed her.
So it was Ella all along. No wonder she hates me so much. She loved me but I hurt her, I betrayed her and ruined her life.
Her baby is my son, he looks just like me. I’m just eighteen and I already have a child.
What do I tell mom and dad? How do I face Ella now? And I still had to tell the whole school for something I caused.
She’ll never forgive me, she promised to have her revenge. What am I gonna do?
I can’t think straight, I’m so scared now. I’m a father. I’m a freaking teenage father.
How do I tell my friends? I r@ped a poor innocent girl who did nothing but love me.
She isn’t wrong. She only fell in love like every other girl, and any normal human.
How did this happen to me?
I caused the fight that always happen between her and her mother. That’s why she got traumatized.
Because she’s scared of me, she sees me as a monster.
After what I did, I couldn’t remember her face but I regret ever doing it. What if she had died?
I really don’t deserve her forgiveness but she needs to forgive me please.
I have to go look for her.

Ella’s POV:

He heard everything. He was eavesdropping on our conversation, probably looking for more ways to cause trouble.
Does this mean he knows what he did? I stared at Andrew who had a confused look plastered on his face.
“Tell me the truth Ella… Is it him?” He asked again.
I sighed “Yes”
His eyes widened and turned dark, he had this look of disappointment and anger. He just stared at me and I can’t tell what he’s thinking.
He stood up and left. What is he thinking now? I hope he’s not going to go fight Gabriel, why am I even bothered?

I should really hate him but a part of me is saying otherwise and I don’t want to look into that now.
I left with my drink and walked to class, I saw Daniela trying to write something from her phone.
She smiled when she saw me “Hey Ella!” She waved at me.
“Hey Danny” I said sitting beside her, only a few students are in class.
“You look off Ella, what’s wrong? Did you have a fight with Gabriel again?” She asked.
I sighed “I might as well tell you since Andrew already knows”
Daniela gasped as I told her everything, this won’t stop me from having my revenge.
“Sweet virgin, I hope they’re not going to have a fight” she said.
“That’s what I’m afraid of, I’ve had enough publicity already. The last thing I need now is for the whole school to find out Gabriel’s Williams father”
I hope those two aren’t doing anything stupid. I really hope so.
We suddenly heard a noise outside, I need no soothsayer to tell me Andrew has finally gone to fight with Gabriel.
I didn’t go out, I just stayed in the class while everyone rushed out including Daniela.
I can’t help but have a little tear in my eyes. One person raped me and ran away, another person comforted me and fought for me.
What am I going to do now that he knows William is his son? Do I run away with my child?
But I can’t. What about my revenge, would I let go just like that. That’s so not fair.
I must think of something. Mom also can’t know that he’s William’s father or she’ll ruin everything I’m trying to achieve.
Yes revenge.
I want my revenge.

Andrew’s POV:

I can’t believe Gabriel would do such a monstrous act. Of all the things he’s been doing this really pissed me off. How could he do that to an innocent girl all in the name of being a fucking playboy.
Playboy my foot.
He’s gonna pay for this. Ella didn’t deserve to be treated that way for loving him.
He really acted like a monster. No wonder she hates him so much and I thought it was without reason.
I stomped inside the school looking everywhere for Gabriel, where the heck is he?
I went to the lounge and met him sitting there, without saying anything I grabbed him by the collar and gave him an uppercut.
He groaned in pain but I’m not done with him yet.

I punched him in the stomach and he fell on the floor. Then I threw him out of the lounge, the j£rk is not fighting back.
I continued hitting him as he moved away from me, students are already crowded around us.
I saw Daniela come out but I didn’t see Ella, “You animal! How could you do that to her?!”
“I’m sorry” he said weakly as he bled from his nose and mouth.
Romeo came to push me off “What’s wrong with you man! Why are you making a scene in front of the whole school!” He yelled.
“Gabriel is a monster!” I yelled and everyone gasped.
“What are you talking about?”
“He r…”
“Stop! That’s enough!” I heard Ella say from the crowd.
She’s actually defending him?

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