chapter 16

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Ella's POV:
"Gabriel" I called.
He was shocked to see me, the girl Louisa looked at me with disgust. A look I should be giving her.
"Ella... What are you...doing here?" He asked.
"Why are you talking to her Gabe? Let's go" she said pulling him.
"You heard her, go" I said trying to act strong and fight back the stupid tears that are forming in my eyes.
"Get lost Louisa! I'll call you later" he yelled at her, she glared at me before leaving.
"Ella I can explain..."
I stopped him "I don't need it. As it is I've watched enough movies for today" I walked out but he dragged me back.
"Let me go Gabriel"
"I'm sorry... You don't understand... I really love you" he said.
I jerked his hand off "Don't ever tell me that! Andrew is so right about you"
I went back to Daniela and dragged her out with William.
"Ella calm down what's wrong?" She asked.
I stopped a taxi, we got in and I still didn't reply.
As soon as I got home I gave William to my mom and ran to my room.
Then I let the tears flow, how dare he play with me?
He will never stop this habit, he's addicted to it.
Just this morning he was kissing me with passion and acting all possessive with me. And in the afternoon, he f**ks a girl at the movies restroom.
He's a damn player.
Those tears are fake.
He doesn't love me, he isn't sorry about what he did.
"Ella" I heard his voice from outside.
I didn't reply. He unlocked my door, I forgot to lock it.
I quickly wiped my tears and stood up facing the window.
"What do you want" I asked trying to make my voice clear.
"I know you're mad and a lot is going through your mind but I didn't mean to... I don't wanna hurt you. I'm sorry... You won't understand" he said.
"You don't have to explain anything to me. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm just a baby mama" I replied without looking back.
I felt him coming close "Ella... I love you"
I turned and slapped him "Stop telling me that! It's a lie. Leave and never come back, I don't want to see your face" I yelled.
"Leave!" I opened the door for him to get out.
"I'm sorry" he said before leaving.
I slammed the door behind me and fell on the ground.
Why does love have to hurt this much?
Why do I have to love a stupid human who doesn't even care about me?
He's supposed to be my enemy. But I'm in love with him.
I hate my life.
Gabriel's POV:
I walked out of the house quietly and entered my car.
I hit my steering so hard I almost destroyed it.
This is not good, why can't I control myself.
I can't do without it, I'm addicted to it.
I need help.
I don't want to lose Ella or William, what do I do to make it up to her?
She's really mad at me now, it was hard getting her to forgive me yesterday but I've messed up today.
Louisa called to meet up at the movies for something important, I thought it was.
Until she dragged me to the restroom and seduced me, I just couldn't resist her.
I'm the greatest fool in the world.

I went back home after having another round of alcohol.
I dragged myself off to my room and fell on the floor.
I felt someone lift me up and drop me on the bed. I guess its Mom.
I cleared my vision a little, "It's you dad" I said.
"Why are you doing this to us Gabriel? Where did we go wrong in raising you?" Mom lamented.
"It's okay Reina. Let's go and leave him to rest" dad said.
I felt her cover me with the blanket and switching off the lights.
"Good night mom plus dad" I said with a smile.
They went out and I soon dozed off.
The next morning I had a hangover.
But I managed to pull myself together and get ready for school.
I went down to have breakfast and surprisingly dad is there.
"Good morning mom and dad" I said sitting down.
"How are you doing Gabriel?" Dad asked.
"I'm fine" I replied.
A maid came to dish my food, mom is just silent.
After eating I picked up my backpack.
"Dad I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, Mom I'm sorry for making you cry. I hope you forgive me" I said.
They smiled at me, "We do son"
I smiled and walked out after waving at them.
Yesterday's incident keeps playing in my head, I don't think Ella will come to school today.
How will I even face her?
I'm a total scum I know but there's nothing I can do about myself.
I entered the school and went to the lounge only to see Ella and Andrew kissing.
My blood became hot immediately, I slammed the door angrily and left.
How dare Andrew?

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