chapter 21

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Daniela's POV:
Watching Andrew get worried about Ella makes me sometimes wish i was her. We're both in love with people who will never love us, i don't regret loving him at all.
But i regret not being able to tell him how much i love him on time, perhaps he could have being mine.
I still have hope that he could be mine.
"Daniela" i heard his lovely voice call.
"ummm...Yes" i get nervous each time he's around me.
"have you seen Ella in school today?" he asked.
I feel a little disappointed even though i should know he's always asking about her.
"i haven't seen her, have you tried calling her?"
He sighed, "that's the problem, i think i left it at home because i can't find it"
I brought out my phone, "you can use mine"
"thanks Daniela" he collected it before i regretted it.
"wait..." i said but its too late so i covered my face "how embarrassing"
His pictures are all over my phone like wallpapers, he stopped to look at me and i looked away feeling so embarrassed "you don't have to be embarrassed, its normal and i love it by the way" he said making me blush.
He called her, but his face changed when he was talking to her making me wonder what happened.
"what's wrong? Is she okay?" i asked as he dropped the call.
"the baby is sick and had to undergo surgery" he replied.
I gasped, "goodness! the poor baby, how's he doing now?"
"he's out of danger for now"
"i can't imagine what Ella must be going through right now the poor thing. She must be so devastated, and of course Gabriel and her mother. Which hospital?"
"we will go there later after school, thanks for the phone" he said.
"its nothing" i smiled as he left.
I feel sorry for the poor child that it moves me to tears, just thinking about it makes me cry.
His parents are young and naive teenagers
  Ella's POV:
Gabriel's parents arrived an hour after he called them. I didn't expect to see them here so fast, i guess William really does mean something to them.
They're talking with mom while Gabriel and i went to sit at the garden.
"here" he stretched the coffee he went to get to me.
"thanks" i said and collected it.
I'm so worried about my baby, i just can't help it.
"wanna know a secret?" i didn't say anything but just stared at him with curiousity.
"i was born with a heart disease too" he said shocking me.
"what?" i finally managed to say.
"my parents did all they can, they hired the best doctors to treat me. For years i battled with it, they never had time for another child. They loved me too much and i became a spoilt brat, one day i found out about it. I thought i had limited time left so i decided to live my life to the fullest.
I started clubbing, drinking and f**king girls till i got addicted and i just couldn't stop myself. But i had a surgery five years ago and i was told i could live longer"

I stared at him in great shock, i never knew Gabriel could be going through something so difficult.
"i don't know what to say...Its so heartbreaking, I'm so sorry" i didn't know i was already crying.
I feel so stupid for judging him, he only became the way he is because he was sad and scared.
He didn't want to die yet he had lost hope.
He smiled, "William's not going to be like me i promise. Don't cry"
I hugged him, "I'm sorry, i promise I'll never judge you again"
"you didn't judge me, i gave you a reason to. Its okay, i guess this was how my parents felt back then"
He's right, i don't want my own child to be miserable.
We saw Andrew and Daniela coming towards us and i suddenly felt tensed.
"oh my poor friend" Daniela said and hugged me.
"thank you for coming bestie, it means a lot"
Then Andrew hugged me, "don't cry dear, he's gonna be fine" he said making me smile.
The boys greeted each other and left Daniela and i in the garden. Makes me feel nervous, i wonder what they want to talk about.

I just hope they don't fight because it will be so annoying and embarrassing especially with our parents around.

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