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This is rewritten from my other Oumota story (I made this as like a extra thing)
Fluff / Non Despair AU
Kokichi is in a boy band
Kaito's pov

The song slowly fades out. Kokichi is standing up on stage in a thin lose shirt and pants along with everyone else. He's drenched in sweat and bowing the audience. "Thank you so much for coming!!" Kokichi shouts into the microphone. The crowd cheers wildly as they bow again and leave the stage.

Kokichi gives the stage manager his microphone and runs up to me. "Momota ~ Chan!!!" He says that while pulling me into a hug.

"The concert was amazing Kichi!" I ruffle his hair witch is wet.

"I need a shower! Can we go ba-"

"Kokichi! That was a great show! You all did very well, rest up since were leaving first thing in the morning!" Kokichi gets cut off by his manager Shuichi.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, we need to leave tomorrow or we wont make it in time for the next show."

"Fineeeeeee." Kokichi sighs and buries his head in my chest. Shuichi turns to leave.

"Wait Shuichi! I have a request!"

Shuichi stops and turns back around to look at me. "What is it Kaito?"

"Could you maybe make the oulfits they were a little less revealing? Like more layers and less skin being shown. Or better yet just do it for Kichi!" Shuichi looks confused and glances at Kokichi who embarrassed.

"Kaito! My oulfit is fineeee and I only wear it for a few hours!" Kokichi huffs and looks away. Shuichi has already slipped away and is talking to Kiibo another member. "Well, we might as well go back to the hotel. I wanna get out of these clothes first." He kisses my cheeck and runs off to change.

When he come back he's wearing come old pants and my t-shirt. Cute. "Exactly, how many clothes have you stolen from me?"

"Its not stealing, its borrowing!" He smiles and heads for the exit. I follow behind to our car. Kokichi gets into the passenger side and I in the driver's side. Kichi pulls out his phone and checks a few things. "Awww look Kirumi is taking good care of our child!~"

"That's good!" Our cat. Kokichi calls him our child. We've had him for a few months. He's small, but fast. I start the car and drive us back. The hotel is downtown so it's not really that long of a drive.

By the time we get there, Kokichi is asleep. I get out of the car and over to his side. I open the door and pick him up. Kokichi sleeps like a rock surprisingly so he's still asleep by the time I get him to our room.

I lay Kokichi on the bed and change. After I finish I turn on the tv and channel surf till I find a movie. I don't plan on watching it I just want some noise to fall asleep to.

I'm about to fall asleep when I feel something on my chest. I open my eyes and see that Kokichi is snuggled up to me still sound asleep. I chuckle and wrap my arms around him. Shortly, after I fall asleep cuddling with Kokichi.

~ 547 Words ~

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