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Fluff / Non despair Au
Pregame Oumota
Third person pov

"Hey look out!" Someone from the distance calls out, but it's to late. By the time, the boy realizes what's happening. He's feels a sharp pain and flys through the air hitting a thud on the ground. People swarm around him. Shouts of "Is he dead?" And "call the police!" Can be heard. All the boy can think about is if he'll ever see his grandparents again and how he wish he wasnt such a dick to everyone. He cant do anything, but lay there slowly drifting to sleep seeing a bright light.

Kaitos pov

My eyes peer open. The window next to me is letting in Ray's of sunshine. An old lady is sitting on the chair next to my bed with her head down. "Hello?" I manage to mutter out. The old lady jumps up then smiles brightly.

"Oh Kaito! You woke up! This is great I'll call you grandfather right away!" My names Kaito... werid. The old lady pulls out her phone and leaves the room. How long have I been asleep for? I scratch my neck and my stomach grumbles.

When the old lady comes back I'll ask if she'd get me something to eat. For now, I guess I'll just sit and wait.

Over the next few weeks, I learn that I was in a car accident and lost my memory. My grandparents have been helping me figure some stuff out. Though today is my first day going back to school. I walk through the front gates and head inside. The first thing I see is sets of lockers and a boy with purple hair at his locker. 'My grandma did say I should try and ask people for advice and make friends.' I walk up to him.

"Hey, uhh what's your name?" The boy freezes and starts to shake. He looks down at the ground still not answering me.

"Leave Kichi alone asshole!" I feel a hand grasp my shoulder. When I turn to look at the person behind me, I see a guy with short green hair and piercings. The man is glaring at me.

"Huh?" Is all I could manage to say. The man pushes me to the side and goes to the purple haires boy.

"Are you okay Kokichi?" The boy named Kokichi nods. After the green haired boy talks to Kokcihi he turns back to me. "What the hell is your grudge against Kokichi?!" The man basically shouts at me.

"I-I... dont know."

"Then why the hell are you such an ass to him?!"

"I dont know! Hell I didnt even remember my name till like a month ago!" I shout back at him in anger. Kokichi and the man both give each other a werid look. The green haired man grunts before turning back towards me.

"What kind of joke is this?" He crosses his arms and glares at me.

"R-rantaro I dont t-think h-hes joking." Kokichi chimes in and grabs his arm. Ok well now I know that the green haired man is Rantaro. Rantaro Tchs before dropping his arms.

"Ok, let's say this isnt a joke. What happened?" Rantaro says a little bit more friendly, but still keeping his glare.

"I don't really know. I woke up in a hospital and my grandparents told me I was in a car accident." Kokichi scratched his chin then pulled out his phone. He tapped on the screen before showing Rantaro something.

"Holy shit..." was all Rantaro could muster out. Rantaro turns his attention back to me. "Damn so you were in a accident. I'm surprised you survived." Was that a complement?

"Thanks....?" Rantaro rolls his eyes and takes Kokichi's arm. "Well since you weren't lying, me and Kokichi will head to class. You can follow us since we're in the same class and I'm pretty sure you have no idea where you are going." I nod and he starts walking dragging Kokichi with him. Kokichi waves me bye even though I'll be following him.

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