Chapter 13 ~ I Can't Cope

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Trigger Warning: attempted suicide

Sullivan pulled up to the police station and led Ginger out, holding onto her he walked her into the station.

'Hello sir' Sargent Goodfellow said 'Nice to see you, but aren't you on leave?'

'Yeah, I left some files here I need, keep an eye out on Ginger as I do that Goodfellow' Sullivan asked

'Of course sir' he said.

Sullivan went into his office. 'So how are you?' Goodfellow asked Ginger cheerfully

'I'm okay' she said, lying.

'Good good' he said. The phone went and he quickly turned his back to Ginger.

On the desk lay some paperwork. Ginger thought for a second, "should I steal the information?" she thought. "to keep my job?".

She quickly scanned the information. It was about her "Ms Clark Ginger is very likley the murderer, and the judge and jury will believe the evidence as it is so concrete"

Ginger stepped back, keeping a brave face as Sullivan walked out of his office with some papers.

'Come on ms Clark' he said, pushing her gently out the door and back into the car.

'You have been awfully quiet' Sullivan said to Ginger 'Are you sure you are alright?'

'Yes' she said. Sullivan nodded as they pulled up to his house and they walked in.

'I have the information' Sullivan stated, putting it down on the table. Father brown grabbed it and quickly looked through it.

'ahh as I thought, the mother of the murderer is Anne Clayton'

'So?' Sullivan asked

'Our Ginger wrote a story on the Clayton murders, putting Anne in a bad light'.

'I originally didn't mention her, but my boss wanted more, so he said to dig up some dirt on the mother, making it seem like it was her bad treatment of him which led to the murderers happening.' she explained.

'and Anne wants revenge as she was ostracised for what was written' Father Brown said.

'Yes that may be true father, but that will not sway the judge' Sullivan said

'Then we will investigate further, now we know what we are looking for' The father announced, standing and leaving with Sid, Ms Mccarthy and lady Felecia.

Ginger sat sighing as Sullivan made tea and brought it out for her, he started kissing the back of her neck.

'Tom, if you are going to do that, please take of the cuffs' Ginger said in a deflated voice.

'Oh of cource.' he said, quickly taking them off.

Ginger rubbed her wrists and sighed once more.

'I think you need some sleep, you look tired' Sullivan said

'don't tell me what to do' Ginger snapped.

Sullivan taken aback closed his mouth and sat down.

They sat quietly, Ginger felt awful, "I'm going to die" she thought "and none would care. I should just end it, make it easier for everyone. If I just ended it now, then, it would be quick and painless, I wouldn't be dragged through the guilt and pain of the courts".

The phone rang which broke the silence they where in. 'It's for you' Sullivan stated. He handed it to her 'Hello?' she asked

'Good news Ginger, we have a new investigative journalist, he's called Matthew, and he is my nephew' Ginger's boss said. 'Bad news, well, for you, is that you are fired, your performance in the last month has been shockingly poor, and also news came to me that you have been arrested which you neglected to inform me.'

'okay' Ginger said, holding back tears.

'Just okay? You got nothing to say?'

'NO, YOU SEXIST PIG, GO DIE IN A HOLE FOR ALL I CARE' Ginger shouts down the phone and throws the phone at the wall. It smashed against it, breaking the phone.

'Tom, I'm going into the bathroom' she whispered and quickly shut the door leaving a shocked Sullivan. She looked for medicines or a razor. Finding neither she slipped quietly out of the bathroom towards the kitchen, searching the draws she found a knife.

She shook as she tested its sharpness on her finger, it was razor sharp, a droplet of blood formed on her finger. She started to sob, bringing the knife up to her throat.

She was dissociating from life, not hearing sullivan shout or feeling the knife being forced out of her hand. Sullivan pulled her into a hug as she cried.

'I got you' he whispered as he rocked her. 'I love you, I'm not letting go'.

'Please, Please don't' she said through sobs, nuzzling into his chest.

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