Chapter 8: Warnings

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I happily entered the room and sat on my chair in a good mood. Chaeyoung was just doing her usual morning routine of being silent and staring outside the window. I could still remember what happened last Friday morning like it was just yesterday.

After sleeping, she woke me up at seven saying she's going first to the class to avoid suspicion. I mean I don't mind being seen with her but it looks like she hates it so I decided to abide to her words and only followed after ten minutes.

"Good morning Chaeyoungie." I whispered to her. She looked at me blankly.

"Morning." She replied shortly. I smiled from the effort. 

"Goodluck to our report." I said without looking at her. 

"Same to you." 

We continued on our usual routine as seatmates but this time, the air is much more light and comfortable. Not the awkward and gloomy one. Minutes later, prof Kim entered the class with a bright smile. This beautiful professor never failed to make me amaze on her visuals. She look so young and blooming for someone in her thirties. 

"So how was the report?" She smiled to the class.

"Not good ma'am" Lisa answered with a pout. Ms. Kim chuckled. Lisa was the tall woman who's also in the dance club with Jimin and Seulgi.

"Did Miss Kim didn't help you?" She asked. Lisa shook her head.

"Jennie helped her prof but she just didn't listen." Rose smirked at the woman beside her. Rose is in the band with Dahyun. I once talked to her because of that tofu. Those two are best friends as what I heard from Jihyo.

"Too bad miss Manoban." Professor Kim smiled and turned to the class and clap her hands to gain our attention again.

"So shall we start?" She smirked and crossed her arms.


Fast forward, everything turned out fine. Miss Kim was quite surprised seeing us together. She let us pick who's pair that's going to go first and next. Everyone is told to get out and will only be called once it's their turn. Miss Kim will be asking us questions privately to make sure we have something learned from the topic. Luckily we came first, that only means early dismissal.

Chaeyoung was praised by Miss Kim saying it reached her expectation from the girl. She also said I did great and managed to keep up with Chae. That's when I conclude that not all teachers doesn't care. Professor Kim Taeyeon acknowledge her on her own way.

"You didn't say you are teacher's favorite." I smirked as we walked down the stairs with our bags.

"I'm not." She answered shortly. 

"Where are we going now? we have three vacant hours until the afternoon class." We passed the hallway and some students are looking at us with judging eyes. These people need to have a life. 

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