Chapter 9: Lycoris

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It can't be right? Chaeyoung will never do that. But thinking about what she said when she saw the body she definitely knows something. Maybe she witnessed it?  I don't know what to do. I am stuck thinking of what to ask or should I ask about it.

"You look pale are you okay?" The woman who silently stood beside me noticed my uncomfortable self.

"Yeah just thinking about what we saw." I reasoned. She hums as an answer and turned to stare at the sunset. We're now at the same rooftop looking at the sun being swallowed by the darkness of the upcoming night.

Should I ask about it? Maybe I should tell her honestly. This person never showed any sign of hurting me. I can't just sit here and imagine things about her who don't deserve to be suspected.

"Chae Jihyo called earlier." I started.

"About what?" She asked calmly but I found it too calm ang cold.

"The police took the case as murder. She died at 4 am and they don't have a suspect yet." I finally said it. A moment of silence came. She stayed mum and eyes fixed on the sun setting on the horizon. 

"So what do you think?" Chaeyoung asked out of nowhere.

"Sorry uhm think about what?" I was caught off guard by her sudden question.

"You are thinking that I did it right?" Chae turned to me with that very familiar cold eyes. Devoid of emotion nor interest.

"What? No I'm not. I was just thinking if you know something about it because your reaction when you saw the body seems to speak of it." I answered. I don't want her to have the idea that I am like those kids who point fingers without prior proof.

"Hmm maybe I did know something." She blinked and then goes back to stare at the sun who's halfway on it's way down.

"Really? c-can I know?" I'm pushing my luck now.

"Why would you like to know?" She asked. 

"Because I'm curious. I mean if you know something, why not tell the police and help them find the culprit." 

"Why would I help them?" She asked again. Somehow her demeanor is starting to scare me. Her tone is getting creepier and colder.

"Isn't that the right thing to do?" I bite my lower lips to calm myself down. As the sky started to get dark, Chaeyoung feels different and distant.

"I told you right? ethics differs on a person's perception of right and wrong. What is right for you can be wrong for me. I don't see any reason of helping someone who only caused me trouble, Mina." Her words reminded me how far I am of knowing the real Chaeyoung. This woman before me has deeper thoughts than anyone else. I may have given the right to be by her side but knowing more than what's in the surface is still far fetched.

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