7 | Yeosang

120 7 2

Vancouver International Airport, Canada

When the landing gear touched ground roughly, I was jolted awake.

I couldn't help thinking that Mingi, the student pilot, was indeed just a... student pilot. Noted.

But, even so, it didn't make a lot of sense that we were bouncing up and down as the plane taxied and slowed. It was as if we were running over something on the runway - and Mingi confirmed that over the speakers.

"What the— Guys, it's gonna be bumpy for a while. I'm literally running over a sea of Invincs right now--" Followed by a curse, and the speaker turned off.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa, who were sitting in front of me, looked out the windows and gasped. Jongho and Yunho were across the aisle, and I couldn't see their faces well because they were sitting in the front rows, but I looked relieved to have finally landed.

"Hey, you feeling better now?" Hongjoong's head appeared to my left, poked out towards the aisle. Seonghwa followed suit and peeked at me through the gap between the seats.

I looked down at my leg. Oh, right. After the antibiotics and painkillers, I fell into a deep, deep sleep. And now my leg was sore and numb.

I tried to move it, which I quickly learned was a bad idea.

Seonghwa must've seen me wince because he said, "the painkillers would've definitely worn off by now. You're lucky to have slept ten hours straight. I'd have to change your bandage before we leave the plane, though."

I nodded, trying not to curse from the pain that was slowly creeping from my wound and spreading to the rest of my leg.

"Thank you so much," I managed. "Really. Both of you. And Yunho-ssi, too."

I looked over to him, who waved a hand in the air dismissively. "Drop the honorifics. I just did what everyone would."

I smiled, but we both knew that wasn't true. I never had a lot of friends even before the apocalypse. Perhaps not even a proper family - the person I felt closest to was probably my private tutor. So having these strangers care for me was strange, but also reassuring... in a way.

After a few more minutes, we came to a complete stop and the seat belt sign blinked off. Everyone unbuckled, sending a satisfying wave of clicks through the cabin that was like music to my ears.

Yes, I was weird like that, and that was probably why I was an outcast in school.

Mingi stepped out of the cockpit, yawned, and then stretched. Hongjoong left his seat and stood in front of the pilot, clapping his hands twice to get our attention.

Hongjoong, a born leader, noted.

"Alright. While we were landing, I saw white and purple flashing light. That must be where the spaceship is. We can't waste any more time, so grab anything you can and let's find a vehicle to bring us there."

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, soldier," Mingi said, shoving Hongjoong aside and taking the spotlight. "There's no we, or let's. You guys barged on my jet! I never agreed to help you, and we're not a team. If anything, I'm going by myself. Have fun."

Before Hongjoong could say anything in return, Jongho stood up with his backpack. "For once, I agree with him. Let's go, hyung. We can't let these people go first and risk losing our spots."

I watched as Yunho let his younger brother pull at his arm, but he didn't budge from his seat. Instead, he turned to look at me.

"We can't just leave Yeosang, Jongho. He needs help - he can barely stand, let alone run if he encounters any danger."

A Race to New World // ATEEZ Dystopia AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن