12 | Yunho

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Toronto Pearson Airport, Canada

Using the WiFi on San's plane, I updated my phone's location to check the local time. 11:30am. I looked out the window. was it overcast? It seemed like the sun had barely risen since we landed in Toronto. I shook my head to get rid of the confusing thoughts and instead focused on checking if our path to the terminals was clear of Invincs.

Thankfully, the robots must had already wandered away after they failed to sense any humans in the vicinity. Even if we went out now, we would be safe.

"You ready to go?"

I turned around to see Hongjoong, holding open one of the curtains and peeking into the galley at me. I looked down at my belt pouch - Jongho wouldn't let me carry anything bigger or heavier than that - and made sure I had everything. Water, a granola bar and an apple, my phone, my inhaler.

I was about to zip it close when Hongjoong stopped me. He unhooked something from the back of his belt and handed it to me. "Jongho wants you to bring this, too."

I took the black, rectangle thing in my hands, realizing that it was one of the two-way radios Jongho got in Vancouver. We had seen these a lot, when the police used them to contact their colleagues after catching us sleeping illegally in public parks.  

"It's a good chance for us to test if it works." Hongjoong shrugged. "Besides, it's better being safe than sorry."

This radio was bigger and heavier than I expected, but I tucked it away as I was told. Then I followed the soldier out into the front of the plane, where San and Wooyoung were already waiting by the door.

We double-checked and triple-checked the reliability of the girl's tweet, but eventually arrived at an official statement from Canada's police service - the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - that confirmed Yeosang's suspicions. Toronto's spaceship was indeed full, meaning we had to move forward if we wanted another chance at leaving Earth.

After the initial shock of the truth subsided, Hongjoong suggested that some of us go out to restock our food supply. This time, whoever wanted to go volunteered, instead of us being put into groups. San and Wooyoung wanted to stretch their legs, and maybe get some air, although I doubt how fresh it would be. Hongjoong said I might be able to find a clinic in the airport where I can refill my inhaler, so I decided to tag along.

"Hyung, do you really have to go? I can do it for you."

I smiled. Even at the last moment, when the cabin door had already been opened and we were letting cold air rush in, Jongho was still trying to keep me behind where he could watch over me.

I ruffled his hair. "I'll be fine, Jongho. You know how strong I can be when I need to." My eyes wandered down to his bandaged arm. "You should stay here and rest. You're in charge of taking care of the others while we're gone, okay?"

My little brother stared at me reluctantly, but he eventually let out a breath and let go of his grip on my sleeve. "Okay. Promise you'll be back soon?"

"I promise." I gave his head one last ruffle before I stepped down the airstairs after Wooyoung. Hongjoong and San are standing on the ground, hugging themselves and trying to keep warm. I waved at Jongho. "I think you'd better wash your hair as well. It's oily!"

I heard a faint reply, but the wind was quickly picking up speed and was roaring in my ears. I put on a cloth mask and pulled the collar of my turtle neck - generously given by Seonghwa-hyung - over my nose for extra warmth.

No one needed to say anything: all of us automatically headed for the terminals, urging to get away from the cold.

Once the automatic doors slid shut behind us, we collectively let out a breath. The heaters in the concourse were in full blast, and with the absence of wind, I could almost sweat under my layers of clothing. I pulled down my turtleneck but kept my mask on. It helped with blocking out the allergens that could easily trigger my asthma.

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