8 | Mingi

129 7 0

Vancouver International Airport, Canada

I closed the cockpit door behind me, making sure it was locked properly.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

This jet that San let us all on earlier was a different model compared to the one I found in Korea. Actually, it was more like a plane than a jet. I had never seen such a big private aircraft in my life - I always thought they only appeared in movies.

Two floors, individual bedrooms, washrooms with actual showers, a bar, and, most importantly, a cargo hold at the back with a vehicle bay that could carry two medium-sized vehicles.

A pilot's dream. If only the world wasn't ending.

I brushed that thought away and focused on the task at hand. Just ten minutes ago, that bossy soldier separated us into groups and gave us jobs to do. Hongjoong himself was the only one who could convince Seonghwa to even join us, so they automatically paired up to search for a car or any vehicle. I didn't really get it, but he said the spaceship might be very far from where we end up landing, so having wheels would help us get there easier.

San, his friend Wooyoung, and the kid Jongho were going back to the terminals to look for two-way radios, stun guns, and chargers for our devices.

I was to stay on the jet and rest, along with Yeosang and Yunho. The "on standby" team, supposedly, but I knew that was just a nicer way to say that we were the useless ones. A sleep-deprived madman, an injured, and an asthma-patient.

The two teams left around ten minutes ago, and the prospect of a few hours of undisturbed shuteye sounded really appealing at the moment, but I scratched that thought off my mind as well.

This was my chance, and I needed to think straight. Not like the dumb soldier who thought it was a good idea to waste time in the airport when we should be in the air right now, heading to the next available spaceship!

I ran through a mental checklist: there was plenty of food and water on board. The fuel tank was full - I checked - and I used the tablet next to the pilot's seat to set the flight destination. Because of how big this plane was, I doubt that Yunho or Yeosang had any idea what I was planning on.

What else?

It would only take four and a half hours to get to Toronto from here. I was glad I always kept some Modanfinil pills in my bag. Those could keep me awake long enough.

Soon, I could leave these idiots behind.

See you all - or not! - in New World!

I plopped myself into the pilot seat and stretched.

Seriously, how stupid are they to leave me, the only pilot, unsupervised on a functional plane?

My hands and feet found their spots naturally - the control wheel, the throttle lever, the footrests. The taxiing and take off procedures would definitely alert my two passengers, but no one could open the cockpit door from outside.

I could leave, right now.

Alright, I found myself thinking. If no one comes to stop me in three seconds, I am leaving for real.

I almost jumped out of my skin when someone knocked on my door and let themselves in. I twisted around in my seat, wanting to shout at whoever it is in anger, but for some reason I faltered and no words came out of my open mouth.

I thought for sure I locked it, though!

"Um, I'm sorry I scared you," Yunho said, "can I come in?"

A Race to New World // ATEEZ Dystopia AUWhere stories live. Discover now