Chapter 23

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When I arrived through the back door of Oakley I found Roxy sitting on the Kitchen stool at the breakfast bar waiting for me.

“There you are! I’ve been calling you.” She said. I opened my mouth to reply but she continued. “Oh never mind, have you got the hoodie?”

Nodding, I placed the carrier bag in her hands, and shrugged off my cardigan.  

“Good, I’ll go and hide this because you need to go to the office, the police are waiting for you in there.” She told me.

“What? Why? What did they say? Couldn’t you have started with that?” I threw questions at her.

“They didn’t say anything, I saw them go into the office. Lisa asked me where you were.” She said. Seeing the concern in my eyes. “Relax I said you were out running.”

With that I picked up my cardigan and placed it on my shoulder before I ran out of the room towards the office. As I rounded the corner into the office corridor I collided with Lisa. Setting myself straight on my feet again I apologised to Lisa, who brushed it off with the fact that she wasn’t looking where she was going. Which was true so I wasn’t going to protest. She then proceeded to tell me what I already knew, that the police was in the office waiting for me.

Apprehensively I walked in to the office and sat down again in the chair nearest the door, opposite DI Andrews and DS Scott.

“Leah, we are here to give you some information about the case of David Lowers and to run over a few things again okay?” DI Andrews asked.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I replied.

“I’m saddened to inform you that the investigation into David’s death is now a murder inquiry.” DS Scott informed me.

I gasped, and clutched the letter in my pocket.

“Now I know this will come as a shock to you but we need to ask you a few questions. Do you know of any enemies David might of had? Anyone who would want to hurt him? Any one he’d fallen out with besides yourself?” DI Andrews asked.

“He was a really easy person to get along with, he tried to be friends with everybody. The only people who didn’t like him was Aden and his gang and no he hadn’t fallen out with anyone else.” I said.

“Okay, thank you, we will keep you updated on any developments.” DI Andrews said, rising from her seat, followed by DS Scott.

“Wait, how do you know it’s a murder, what made you change your mind?” I asked. “He wrote the note?”

Sitting back down DI Andrews said “He had received a bump to the head, which we originally thought was from how he landed but had it re-examined and it was determined that he received it before he died, it wasn’t enough to kill him. We also had forensics re-examine his clothes for any trace of DNA and we found hairs on his body which don’t match his, we are currently trying to find a positive match and there was finger marks on his arms and wrists, indicating he was grabbed or pulled in some way, again we are trying to identify a positive match.”

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