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"So your mom told me about where you've been" my headteacher, Mr Jenkins tells me and i nod

"First of all, none of the other teachers know except for the school nurse" he tells me and i nod

"Thank you sir, I appreciate you keeping the matter private. I don't want to be treated differently due to my career choices" I tell him and he nods

"Thank you for your service by the way" he says and I smile

"I have your timetable and your locker number, it has the password on this piece of paper. Your homeroom is across from your locker" he tells me

"Thank you sir" i say standing up and I shake his hand

"No problem and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me or any members of staff" he says and i nod

"Thank you" i say before leaving his room with my timetable in my hand.

I sigh looking around the busy corridor and head to find my locker.

"Eden" ray says throwing an arm over my shoulder

"What's up?" I ask him

"Where you heading to?" Nate asks me

"Haven't got clue" I say and he snatches my timetable off me and I roll my eyes

Is this what I'm going to have to deal with?

Immature teenage boys.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

This is bullshit.

"Your in homeroom with us and our friends and most lessons actually" Nate tells me

"Good to know" i say snatching it back off him and putting it into my bag

"No need to be so aggressive" Ray says and I turn around at them

"Just give me to fucking personal space yeah?" I snap and they both look at each other before laughing

"We're only messing with you Eden, we just wanted to see where your limit was" Ray says and I narrow my eyes at him

"Welcome to Kingston High. Your going to hate it here" Nate says just before the bell goes

"That was freakishly on queue" I say

"I've been practicing that on every new student ever to come her and it's never worked until you... so thank you" Nate says and I laugh

"Your welcome?"

"What new student have you adopted now Nate?" A voice asks and I turn around to see a group of boys and Zac standing with them

"Hey baby, how you doing?" A guy asks me and I roll my eyes

"This is my sister Eden" Zac says

"Oh shit- sorry darling" he says and I laugh

"It's fine" I say

"We better get to homeroom" Ray says and we all head there.

"Sir we have a new student" Nate says

"Right, Eden Marinez. Welcome to the school, just find a seat anywhere that's free" he tells me

"Will do sir" I say and I go to sit down next to Mia and her friends who are mixed with Ray and Nates friends.

They all introduce me to them and I greet them back.

"Where's Ethan?" A voice asks and I get out my phone to see a few message from my section.

I reply to them just asking how Colorado is before turning my phone off.

I lean back in my chair and look at everyone chatting away on the table.

"Here he is" Nate says and we all turn to see a familiar blonde haired, Greek god of a muscular boy.

Ethan Connolly.

What the fuck.

He looks at me and smirks.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss at him as he sits down next to me

"Don't pretend your not happy to see me" he says and I roll my eyes

"You two know each other?" Mia asks

"No" i say

"I go to school here" he says

"Why?" I ask

"I joined at the start of the year, it's just a coincidence that your here joining in November" he says and i grit my teeth

So much for focusing on my work.

"God I hate you" i say

"I love you too darling" he says and I glare at him

"I'm not in the mood for your shit today" I say and he laughs

Fuck that laugh.

It's like heaven to my ears.

Why does he have to be so fucking perfect?

"So Eden" Ella says and I look at her

"Mia says you've been living with your dad for the last three years" Ella says

"Yeah, in California" I say

"What?" Ethan asks quietly

"I'll tell you after" I tell him quietly

"How Max?" Ethan asks me

"I don't know, they passed him onto another solider" i grit out and he frowns

"Your kidding?" He asks and I shake my head

Max, my baby.

I'm a dog handler in the army.

He's my dog, we are best friends but since I'm on leave they just gave him to someone else.

"What's it like I'm california?" James asks me

"It's fun, all of my friends are there" i say

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ryan asks me and I see Ethan look at me with a smirk on his face

"No, I don't do relationships" I say

"You do hookups" Ethan says and i glare at him

"Like your any different" I say and he smirks

"Actually, I ask the girls I've been with on a date" he says

"Not all of them" i say and he smirks

"Jealous?" He asks

"Of what?" I ask

"This" he says flexing his muscles

"I'm sorry?" I say with a laugh, "Jason has better muscles than you in the barracks"

He gasps dramatically, "your right, all of that food serving"

I smile at him and he grins back at me.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Ella asks looking at us both

"Nothing" we both say at the same time

"Yeah, okay and pigs can fly" James says and I roll my eyes

This is going to be a long day.

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