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My jaw drops as my eyes land of the white pillow that is surrounding us.


Max barks excitedly and Ethan laughs.

"This is amazing" i say

"I know" he says, "I'll go get the car, we have to drive to the cabin to check in"

"Okay" i say barely containing my excitement.

I bite my lip and look around, there is a faint outline of the road left and the streets lights and the stars are the only thing allowing me to see.

All of a sudden Max barks and I look down to see him staring at me, "not yet, your not allowed off yet"

I hear him whine and i chuckle.

I sit on the edge of my suitcase before looking at Max to see him walking weirdly in the snow, then he just jumps on the snow and rolls on it.

How on earth is this dog a service dog? He's just a big baby.

I hear a car and I turn to see Ethan driving towards us.

"That was quick" i say

"Good service I guess" he says and I open the door and tell Max to get in and he does

I then help by putting my suitcase in the trunk of the car.

I go back to the passenger seat of the car and he's sat on my chair.

"Max down" i say and he does what I say, "good boy"

I get in the car and fasten my seatbelt.

"Do you know how to get there?" I ask him

"I've been once but it could be interesting" he says and i chuckle

It's been two hours and we still can't find the cabin. Ethan and I have been arguing for the last gazillion hours.

We've got to the point where we're just sitting in silence we're that angry at each other.

All of a sudden he takes a left turn and then he stops outside of a cabin.

Is this it?

What's going on?

I don't want to talk to him because it will so that I've given in.

What is happening?

"This is it" he grumbles



I get out and Max jumps out and stretches but just sinks straight into the snow.

I shake my head at him.

I let him off and he just bounds around in the snow whilst we get everything out of the car.

Ethan opens the door to the cabin and it's so beautiful. It's got a wooden fire in the middle, a green theme inside which matches the colour of the wood.

I roll my suitcase in afterwards and shut the door behind me and Max shakes his fur drenching us both.

"Can't you have some control over him?" Ethan snaps as I get Max's bed out and put it next to the sofa

"Can you stop being such a dick?" I ask

He laughs, "stop being so uptight"

"Uptight! Your the one who started it with all the being grumpy and all that shit!" I snap

"God your so annoying" he snaps walking towards me

"So are you!" I shout at him and I find myself walking towards him too.

He steps towards me and i step towards him more and he he just kisses me roughly and i kiss him back.

His kisses move to my neck and I bite my lip, holding in a moan.

"Come on" he says taking my hand

"I can walk by myself!" I snap and we walk upstairs and find the bedroom.

He pushes me against the wall and kisses me whilst I take off his shirt.

This is going to be a long night.

We both lie here catching our breaths.

"We should have angry sex more often" he says and i hit him lightly

"I don't think I'm going to be able to walk tomorrow" I say and he smirks

"Your welcome" he says and I glare at him playfully and he laughs

"Let's not argue, I don't like it" i say rolling over onto my front to face him

"I know, I don't like it either. We're both just tired and cranky" he says and i nod

"I love you" i say

"I love you too" he says and i kiss him

He pulls me onto him and i chuckle.

"Eden?" He asks and I look at him

"I'm horny again" he says

"Your kidding?" I ask, "after all of that?"

"Well I was just thinking about it and then hello, Alvin and the chipmunks are out to play" he says and i laugh loudly

"0h my god Alvin and the chipmunks" i say and he laughs

I smile at him and he kisses me.

I hear a bark at the door.

"Oh great now he's a cockblock" he says and i chuckle

I stand up and walk to the door and Max comes running in and jumps onto the bed, with his toy Ella.

"Yeah we're not having sex in front of my baby" I say

Ethan grumbles something under this voice and i smirk.

Authors note: sorry for the awful update schedule, I am only in college 2 days this week so I should be able to update more! Then soon I'll have two weeks off. So hopefully I'll be able to find more time! Thank you all for sticking with me through this process!

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