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It's now New Years Eve.

We are at home now and we are being bombarded with questions.

"How much did it snow?"

"Did you say yellow snow?"

"Did you do any sports?"

"Did you go anywhere?"

"What did you do on Christmas?"

I'm trying to answer them but every time I come up with an answer I'm faced with another question.

"One at a time please" i say

"Where was it?" Mia asks me

"It was in a little cabin park, it was very cute and was in walking distance of a town" i say

"A creepy town" Alex grumbles beside me and I smirk

"Did you meet anyone?" Jane asks

"Just the woman of a pub we went into for dinner on Christmas day" i say

"What did you order?" My mum asks me

"Just a normal turkey" i say

"What was the pub like?" Olly asks

"Very creepy, the whole town actually was a bit" i say

"A lot" Ethan says

"They had fireworks and that made us all jump" i say and my mum laughs

"Why was it creepy?" Mia asks us

"Everyone seemed to be on edge, like they were waiting for something to happen almost. They had these guns in glass cases as well. Let's just say that Max didn't rest at all, all of the time we were in the pub" i say

"That's weird" Nate says and i nod

"Very" i say leaning back on the sofa

"Did you have a good time though?" My mum asks and i nod

"We had a great time" i say

"So Ethan when do you fly out?" Zac asks

"Tomorrow at noon, I have a car picking me up at ten" he says and i nod

"Do you have to go?" His mum asks

"Of course I do, mom I love my job. I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't like it" he says

"I know that, it's just hard" she says

"I'll be back in a few days. It's just a short mission. One weekend away then I'm back on Monday for the medal ceremony" he says making me groan

"We're both going so shut up" Ethan says and i smirk.

"When does school start?" Jane asks and Ethan and I look at each other

"Two weeks" Mia says

"Thank god" Ethan mumbles and i smile

I see Max from the corner of my eye lie under the table and I narrow my eyes at him and he sees me and starts wagging his tail, creating a numerous number of loud thuds against the table leg and everyone looks over and laughs.

"What's he doing?" Mia asks

"He does that then he wants time by himself" Ethan says

"He does it on deployment" i say

"He does?" My mom asks me

"Yeah, it's his way of telling us to F off" I say and they laugh

"It's not long now!" Zac says, "only ten minuets before New Years"

"It's so pointless" I mumble

"I know" Ethan says wrapping his arms around me and i smile up at him.

I lean my head against his shoulder and I feel my eyes get droopy.

"Ten!" People shout and i jump awake and Ethan laughs


"What the fuck?" I ask


"It's the countdown darling" he says


"Oh right, another thing to rob me off sleep" I grumble and he smirks at me


"Come on" he says standing up and he pulls me up with him


I turn my attention to out of the window to see the people across the street in their living rooms counting down as well.



"I wonder how many people are counting down right now" i say


"A lot" Ethan says


"Happy New Year!" They all shout

"I know that we hate New Years but I'm still kissing you" Ethan says and I giggle and he kisses me

Suddenly fireworks go off and flinch slightly and he just holds me.

Max starts barking and I groan pulling away from Ethan.

"Max!" I shout and he stops barking

"Good lad" I say and he rushes over to me and jumps up and i catch him

"What's wrong with him?" Ethan asks

"I think after the firework incident on deployment, you know how that guy started fireing them at us" i say and he nods, "he's been even more skeptical about them because they have started using them as weapons"

"I get it" Ethan says before stoking Max's head

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