Arc 1: Chapter 14

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After the incident of Elenor nearly drowning, it was the day of going to the ball as the prince's partner. The maids were trying their best to make her look good although she already told them there was no reason to.

"Milady must be the most beautiful lady at the ball!" they declared loudly, not allowing her to fight back.

They tightened the corset around her body, making the body look even slimmer and hourglass more than it actually was. Makeup was a bit heavier than her usual but it wasn't too obvious.

She was supposed to buy a new dress but since it was quite last minute for the invitation, so she decided to use a dress that Elenor had bought before but never worn. It was a silk dark blue dress and the maids paired it with black high heels. Adding on, they put long dangling earrings on for her along with a necklace.

"Milady, his highness is here to pick you up." Alec said, knocking on the door.

Elenor turned to Alec and like always, she playfully asked as she twirled around, "How do I look?"

As usual he answered her in a butler tone he would always use, "You look beautiful, milady."

She laughed and nodded, "Alright, let's go see the prince now."

Walking past him, Elenor did not notice his answer was off beat by a second than how he usually replied. Heading out of the main doors, she saw Richard waiting for him alongside Lloyd.

Richard noticed her presence and immediately ran over to her side, lightly holding her right hand as she walked down the steps before standing in front of Lloyd.

"You look beautiful Elenor," her older brother said with a loving brotherly tone under his voice.

Elenor smiled, "Thank you brother. I wished you were going to the ball as well."

Richard looked at her and he looked like he was about to burst into tears. He turned to Lloyd and with a displeased look, he handed Elenor's right hand over to Lloyd.

Grunting, he said to the prince, "You better take care of her tonight. I do not care if you are a prince or not."

She eyed her brother. She understood you have a sister complex but in front of them is still the prince!

Lloyd didn't get angry instead he had a small smirk on his face and nodded. "Of course-" pulling her closer to him, he left a kiss on her hand- "I will take good care of Lady Elenor here."

Seeing his face up close, Elenor couldn't help but feel embarrassed and shy. Her gaze immediately shifted towards Alec who only stood there with an expressionless face.

'Ah, if only I could put on an expressionless face like him for a long time.'

"Lady Elenor, shall we leave now?"

"Ah yes but may I bring my butler along? I often have him by my side so..."

Worried she could have angered him, Elenor quickly added on, "But if it isn't allowed then it is fine as well."

Although she knows he isn't the type to get angry over little things, she's now Elenor. The lady he dislikes because of how clingy and annoying she is. One wrong move and she would be done for.

"Forget what I've said your highness, let's go-"

"If it makes you comfortable, sure."

"..Really?" Elenor asked, suspicious of his attitude towards her.

It's weird. Very weird. Lloyd nodded, a smile on his face. "Yes, now shall we go? Or else we will be late."

"Ah, right, okay."

Alec sat beside the coachman of the carriage Lloyd used to pick her up while she sat inside the carriage with Lloyd. Elenor sat opposite him and kept a small composed smile. The doors shut and the carriage moved. It was awfully quiet inside and although she did wish to break the silence, she preferred to act as air at the moment.

Unfortunately, it seems like the prince had other ideas. "You look good tonight." he complimented.

Elenor couldn't hide by sudden shivers down her spine after she heard his compliment. Quickly, she tried to mask it up. "Thank you, your highness."

"You look uncomfortable, is everything alright?"

'I love you as my character but please pretend I am just air.'

"Lady Elenor?"

'Ah I really want some alcohol now.'

"I am alright your highness. You do not need to worry." Elenor sent him a strained smile.

'I feel a headache coming..'

He stared at her before shaking his head as he leaned back into his seat, "You don't seem to be."

Elenor sighed, not caring anymore, "Fine then may I ask you a question your highness?"

He nodded, "What is your question?"

She looked him straight in the eye, almost glaring at him, "Why are you suddenly interested in me?"

He kept his smile on his face as he cocked his head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"You were never interested in me. In fact you dislike me so why now?"

"Oh so you noticed."

"....It was obvious."

'No shit sherlock I'm not stupid.'

"Well it is true that I was never interested in you since you would always cling onto me and always irritated me,"

"Hahah I see..."

'Why are you saying all of this to my face?! Are you stupid male lead? I have feelings too!'

Elenor was scolding and lecturing him in her head but she continued to keep a smile on her face, pretending as if it doesn't affect her. In truth, she really wanted to punch the male lead just once.

He glanced at her briefly, "But then you suddenly stopped coming for a few days and when you did, you acted so different from usual. Ah, don't get me wrong, I mean this as a compliment."

"You aren't making any sense with me, your highness." she bluntly replied back.

He noticed her expression and burst into a fit of laughter. "See? You are so different now and I have heard that you are trying to be a better person."

She nodded. He tapped his chin lightly, "So why the sudden want to change?"

Elenor shrugged her shoulders, "Personal reasons your highness."

"Ah then I won't pry into them."

"That is very kind of you."

"Since you are trying to become a new person, why not we restart our first impressions of each other as well?"


Lloyd extended his hand towards her. With a gentle smile, his eyes crinkling slightly, he said, "Nice to meet you Lady Elenor. I'm Prince Lloyd James Claudius."

With hesitation, Elenor slowly reached out and grabbed hold of his hand, "..Elenor Berry Hester....your highness."

The carriage soon came to a stop and the doors opened. Lloyd got down before her but continued to hold her hand. The lights from behind were shining brightly making him look brighter and godlike. Truly shining like the male lead, two thumbs up for you sir.

"Now, shall we enjoy the ball tonight?"

"Yes your highness...."

Alec, let's go home already...

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