PC │030

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A/N: trust me on this one and listen to the song for the feels pls <33 ok ily thank you mwah mwah enjoy

【A L V I N】

That night was probably the most nerve-wracking one by far. Lucien had said that he wanted to fall asleep whilst cuddling and so I obliged - because why would I turn down an offer as tempting as that? However, the only issue was that now that I was fully aware of my feelings for this man, I was having a difficult time keeping my feelings in check. 

That being said, my heart was going wild and my palms were on the verge of sweating. It was neither a pretty sight nor feeling. I was having a hard time even facing him at that point, so I just kept my eyes shut instead - and when I thought he had fallen asleep, I opened my eyes. 

But that's not how life works. Life is full of surprises, and by that I mean; embarrassment. 

He was wide awake and when he noticed me looking at him in surprise, he let out a quiet chuckle, "Were you pretending to be asleep?"

"Maybe," I huffed, trying to maintain a little space between the both of us so he wouldn't hear how fast my heart was beating in my chest. 

"That's cute," he commented, blowing a strand of his hair out of his eye - and for some reason, that made my heart nearly stop. Everything he did was so unbelievably cute and attractive that it was fucking unfair. He was really out here stealing my heart without even being aware of it. 

I didn't respond - because I couldn't. I was too focused on how close we were to each other. The proximity between us had never bothered me before nor did it have the power to get me even the slightest bit flustered. But this time was completely different. 

He had his arm draped over my torso like usual, but this time, the area where his skin made contact with my body felt oddly electrifying - but in a non sexual way. It was a faint feeling in the beginning, but when he began to trace small imaginary circles onto my hip, I knew I was done for. It was such an innocent yet not-so-innocent action at the same time that it nearly made me hop out the bed and throw myself out the window right then and there. 

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" he questioned with a smug grin. 

Fuck, even the dimple on his cheek was driving me insane. 

"So is yours," I noted upon noticing how fast his was beating as well. "Don't tell me you have feelings for me, Mr. Auclair."

Fuck, why did I say that? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"What would you do if I did?" he inquired after a moment of silence. 

Fuck, why would he say that? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I choked on my spit right after those words had spilled out of his mouth, "Uh-.. I mean, I'd be flattered."

"That's all?" he urged, raising his brows at me out of curiosity. 

"What else are you expecting me to say?" I said with a chuckle to ease off the embarrassment I was feeling at that very moment - however the burning red tint on my cheeks were a dead giveaway.

"I don't know," he shrugged before letting out a quiet yawn. 

We stayed in silence for a moment before a random question came floating into my mind - and in cases like these, you know it's never good. The rules are as follows; everytime Alvin's mind comes up with something, it's not good. It's quite the opposite actually. Nevertheless, I swallowed my fear and mustered enough courage to ask him.

"Hey, about what you said earlier," I began in an awkward manner. 


"When Delilah asked if you'd date me," I reminded him.

"What about it?" he said, that signature cheeky grin of his making its way back onto his face. 

"Were you being honest or did you just say that to mess with me?" I finished, looking anywhere but at him. 

"Oh," he began with a slight hum as if he were processing what I had just asked him. "What do you think I was doing?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking," I retorted to which he let out a laugh. 

"It's called truth or dare, you think I'd lie?" he inquired, poking my cheek fondly. "I mean, people do lie during that game but do you think I would?"

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. 

Fuck, don't let that get to you. Don't let it make you fall for him even more. Don't do it. Alvin, do not even think about it.

"So you're saying that you would date me?"

"Definitely," he responded without even skipping a beat. 

Fuck, I let it get to me. 

Here they come again - those fucking butterflies. I was already beginning to feel sick to my stomach - in a good and a bad way. 

Holy shit, if my heart refuses to calm down this second then I might end up dying in front of his very eyes. 

"Alvin?" he questioned after another moment of tranquil silence. 


"What about you?" he began, propping himself up onto his elbow to get a good look at me. I glanced up at him in confusion and nearly fell off the bed because of how breathtaking he looked from that angle - with his dark hair falling over his eyes which were narrowed in slight concern yet interest at the same time. 

And I don't know if I'm being cheesy - but I noticed that little twinkle in his eye as well. Basically just the reflection of light, but it's more romantic if I say 'twinkle', right? 

And don't even get me started on that smile of his. That smile was enough to make a grown man cry. 

"Would you date me?" he finished with the curious tilt of his head, his hair bouncing with each movement that his head made. 

I paused for a second - then an entire minute. Fuck, what do I say? I couldn't find the right words.

"Of course I would," I finally choked out before rolling over so that my back was now facing him. Fucking hell, the embarrassment. I heard him let out a quiet chuckle at that before laying back down. A moment or two passed before I heard him scoot closer, after which he slung his arm over my waist and pulled me impossibly closer.

His heart was beating just as fast as mine. 

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