Chapter 1: The Other World

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      "Ugh..." I blinked my eyes while getting of the reddish pink ground. I felt pain all over my body, mostly the part that was touching the ground. A few minutes, later my head was back to normal but my eyes weren't.

     All the trees and hills I saw were the same color as the ground, all oozing with the same pink liquid. As I looked around, I saw a giant tower. Redder than pink, the building was giant with a faint rock music from the top. After being in serious pain, I finally figured out how to hover and my body recovered quickly. I continued to stare at the tower, mesmerized by the tower like I was supposed to do something with it. Though memories weren't flooding to me, one was. My name...

     "I'm Hiro." I whispered to myself. But as I was thinking about my name, the bottom doors to the tower opened up. I hid behind a tree while peaking my head out every so often. The shape looked like a pink triangle, with one eye and snake like arms and hands.

     "Is everyone pink?" I asked myself. I decided to explore, not knowing the dangers of the pink water. As I tried to hover over it...


     I fell right in the liquid. I quickly made it back to land but in an excruciating amount pain. The triangle noticed my bright blue color and started hovering towards me. I noticed the triangle coming but I was still in pain. I ended up accepting my fate, until a helicopter swooped me up and carried me away while the triangle just stared at me, like he was waiting for something. The helicopter was a lighter blue then me and had two circles for hands. The mysterious helicopter flew me across the pink ocean and landed in a cave.

     "Look what I found." It said. 

The Other Shape. . . (A JSAB Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now