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The two sauntered into the precinct. Harper took in the chaos as cops were either passed out by their work benches or had piles of cases toppling over their desks. It hadn't been the first time she had walked into the precinct but this one felt different. This was where Dick had been for years, working everyday, still fighting crime. Just this time he did it in a different suit and with a badge.

She ignored the odd looks being thrown her way, some curious others lustful. It wasn't everyday Dick Grayson brought a charming girl through their doors or at least none that they were aware of. Harper threw a glare at one of the men whose eyes drifted a little too low for her liking which caused him to avert his eyes. Harper smirked before sending a wink to one of the women who was eyeing her. The woman blushed scarlet as Harper and Dick strolled past without another glance.

Dick and Harper made their way towards the interrogation room when they were stopped. Dick slammed to a halt, Harper stumbled sending a harsh glare to the back of his head.

" Yo Grayson!" a voice called. They turned around to face a blonde haired woman. Her navy blazer added to her elegant work attire, her hair as golden as the sun was tied into a neat pony, not a strand out of place. She practically screamed confidence as she approached the pair.

" Detective Rorhbach" Dick responded, slightly annoyed at the interruption. He just wanted to get Rachel and leave. " Thought you might want to know this." She said. Her attention moving to the brunette who was standing behind him, she was casually picking at her nails like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Feeling the intense gaze upon her, Harper lifted her head meeting the woman's questionable stare. She lifted her hand, sending a teasing wave before shooting her a lopsided grin.

" Who's the girl?" Amy questioned, looking from Dick to the mysterious woman who was eyeing her up and down. Amy squirmed causing a chuckle to leave Harper's lips.

" She's a friend" was his only response. Harper looked at Dick then to the blonde, amused by their interaction. Dick rolled his eyes at the girl's cheshire expression. " What did you want to tell me?" He questioned turning back to his so called partner.

" Oh right so the girl you called in about, Rachel Roth? We found her mother. Gunshot to the head. Looks like a homicide. We contacted the C. S. I , they'll send you details as soon as they get them." Amy told him.

Dick processed the information, his head nodding in appreciation. " Okay, thanks" he told her before grabbing Harper's arm and rushing towards the interrogation room, where Rachel was supposedly being held.

" Woah easy there birdbrain, slow down" she said, trying to keep up with him as he dragged her across the station.

When they arrived at the room they saw the door was ajar. Harper stepped inside, the room was completely empty...Rachel was gone. The two shared a look before leaving in search of the purple haired teen.

Harper slammed the doors of the precinct open, the cool Detroit air bit harshly on her skin as her eyes darted in search of the teen. She felt Dick near her as he too searched frantically.

Harper paused. She investigated a car, its hood perched up before her eyes widened, spotting a mop of purple hair in the back of the cruiser. " Dick!" she exclaimed with wide eyes, looking at the car that had begun to drive away. " Shit" he whispered before whipping out his phone.

" This is Detective Grayson. Can I get a 10-20 on the car number three one zero?"

 Can I get a 10-20 on the car number three one zero?"

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