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Harper trailed behind the two boys as they dragged an unconscious Adamson by his feet across the lot.

After the whole disaster back up in the apartment with Dick and Harper needing Jason to save their asses. They had decided to move him to a new location.

After Harper and Jason pulled away, they had helped Dick to his feet. He had questioned how the two had known each other which resulted in Harper explaining how she knew the teen.

Back when Harper was still living in the Queens Mansion and a few weeks after Dick had disappeared, Harper had travelled to Gotham in search of her friend. Instead she was met with a raven haired boy who , when Harper asked who he was, replied by saying his name was Jason Todd and that Bruce had taken him in.

Jason had let her in after she'd told him that she knew about Bruce and his little secret he had hidden downstairs, something only a few rare individuals knew about.

The two spoke, trying to get to know one another better. He had told her how he was living on the streets before he may or may not have tried to steal the wrong thing, landing him up where he was now. He told her how he knew Bruce was Batman and how he started training to become Robin 2.0.

To say Harper was shocked by the news was not surprising. What confused her was how Bruce  had moved on from Dick so easily.
When he asked her about herself. She told him about Dick and Bruce. Also confirming to her superhero alias as Artemis, and telling by his response, she knew he was a fan.

Multiple questions later and many more various meet ups, an unlikely bond began to bloom between the two. Harper quickly made her way into his heart, something he never thought would have happened and the same went for Harper. Jason had grown on her, easily becoming the little brother she never had. The two really did care for one another. When Jason was being a bit annoying or cocky, Harper was always there to make sure he was put back into place. She looked out for him and she still did.

When she moved and had to break the news to him, it was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. The sadness on his face had broke her heart, but with the promise of keeping in touch and making sure to see each other. She knew he was going to be fine.

To say she was grateful for him was an understatement. He helped her cope with Dick and all her other struggles. And now that he was here, and had saved their asses  Harper couldn't be more happier.

" Man, dude looks dead."  Jason's voice said, bringing the girl out of her reverie.

" Trust me. There's a difference between dead and knocked out." Dick said, she could hear the agitation in his voice.

Harper smirked as she watched the two interact.

" This is awesome! Robin and Robin in action." Jason exclaimed, his voice dripping with excitement. Harper let out a cough causing the younger boy to look at her. " Oh yeah and the legendary Artemis. How could I forget" he added as she let out a chuckle.

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