|18| 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚘 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ✔︎

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Harper swallowed a groan as her eyes fluttered open. She brought her hand up to her pounding head as her eyes squinted at the bright light and the rough material scratching her back. Harper sat up, wincing as a pain shot through her spine. Her body felt stiff as she sluggishly pulled herself off the grimy mattress she laid upon.

" What the hell..." She trailed off trying to stand up, her body protesting in the process. Her hand rubbed circles on her temple trying to dampen the pounding in her skull. Her thoughts trailed back to what had happened prior to her passing out, she struggled to remember. Flashes from her conversation with Dick, to approaching Rachel and finally one of the sisters offering them drinks. Harper's eyes widened at the realisation. The drinks.

She and Rachel had been drugged.

Harper's eyes flickered across the room, the four walls acted like an enclosure, a cage meant to hold a wild animal. Harper felt trapped. She was in some type of containment room. They thought she was dangerous. Good. It meant that  they were scared of her, that she was a threat. And boy was she pissed.

Her eyes scanned the layout within the confined space. A simple single bed laid in the corner of the room with a small nightstand situated next to it. A barricaded window was placed at the top of the wall bringing in light and a mirror was hanging on the wall opposite it.

Harper made her way towards the door, the doorknob rattled in her grasp before her hand slammed onto the metal in frustration. Where was Rachel?

" Shit" She cursed thinking of the teenager. She could only imagine what they were doing to her, with a new wave of determination, she started banging on the door. The sound bouncing off the walls.

" Let me out! Let me out!" She roared, her fists continuing to bash the door.  " You people are freaking psychos. Let me the hell out!"

Her knuckles grew raw from the continuous banging, her hoarse voice shattering the silence. " I swear to God if you hurt her, you'll never see the lights of day ever again, you hear me. I'll kill you!" She screamed. She let out a frustrated yell, giving the door one final kick.

She raked a hand through her hair. She needed to get out, she needed to find Rachel...she needed Dick.

Harper grew angry. She was angry at Dick, at the sisters, at everything. But most of all, she was angry at herself. She should’ve seen it coming. I mean a covenant full of nuns, not something that screams danger. But she felt off the minute they entered. Harper was always told to follow her instincts, but did she listen, no. And now Rachel was going to suffer the consequences of her ignorance. Harper sighed before an idea popped into her head.

She ran over to the bed, ripping open the cover. She could see the springs poking through. She ripped them out causing a mess in the room but she didn't care, she just needed to save Rachel. Her hands moved feverishly trying to break off the spring. Once she had it , she unravelled it, a triumphant grin making its way onto her face. She let out a quiet 'yes' before dropping to her knees in front of the keyhole. She twisted and turned the metal, when she heard the satisfying click from the door, she sighed in relief before yanking it open.

" Alright Harper, now let's find Rachel before those sicko sisters find you." She hyped herself up before searching for the girl.

The ground began to shake beneath her feet, the lights in the building began to flicker and she could hear the rattling of the windows and pipes. " Rachel" She realized. She needed to find her and she needed to find her quick.

" Rachel!" Harper yelled pulling at every door she could find. The roof began to break, the structure was  beginning to collapse. Harper's feet pounded against the ground as dust and chips feel from the ceiling.

" Ah hell" Harper swore , but before she could do anything a huge explosion shot through the building. Harper was blown back , her shoulder colliding roughly with the ground. Her ears were ringing as smoke filled her lungs. Harper coughed as she began to crawl to an opening that had formed from the explosion. The side of her head was caked in blood and dust while her shoulder felt like it was on fire but that was the least of her worries. Her only goal now was to get out of the building before it completely caved in.

 Her only goal now was to get out of the building before it completely caved in

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Dick and Kory pulled up to the covenant, their eyes widened at the sight in front of them. Paramedics were rushing the sisters out of the burning building whilst trying to help those who were injured. Dick quickly got out of the car, slamming the door. He searched frantically over the masses of people. One thought coursing through him. Where was Harper?

He searched for her ,trying to spot the familiar brunette curls. His shoulders sank in relief as he found her sat at the back of one of the ambulances , a blanket draped over her shoulders and a white bandage wrapped over her head and knuckles.

He wasted no time in sprinting to her, pulling the girl into his arms. She tensed at the sudden contact not having seen him. When she felt the familiar arms around her she relaxed slightly, snaking her arms around his waist. He sighed into her hair relieved that she was okay. He gently kissed her hair before pulling away." What happened? Where's Rachel?" He questioned, his thumbs rubbing circles over her bandaged knuckles.

" I don't know, they drugged us. Spiked the drink. I woke up in this room .I tried to find her but then, this explosion went off and Rachel was gone. I don't know where she went." She whispered, shameful that she couldn't get to the girl in time and that she couldn't stop them from being drugged. He saw her crestfallen face, immediately shaking his head. His hand moved to the side of her face as her eyes lifted to meet his softened gaze.

" Hey it's not your fault alright. We'll find her. I'm just glad you're okay." He said before pulling the girl into his embrace once more.

Thank you so much for reading♡

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Thank you so much for reading♡

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