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The group were gathered inside a barn not to far from the motel. The abandoned structure and the  desolate land posed as the perfect location for the group to showcase their powers or in Dick and Harper's case, their skills.

" Okay, in order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a coordinated team, we gotta see what each other can do. So, any volunteers?" Dick asked, glancing at them.

Gar was shuffling awkwardly as he tried avoiding all eye contact while Rachel just glanced at the two girls who stood staring at their nails like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Dick's eyes landed on the brunette. "Harper, you've got a killer eye." He called ,causing the girl to let out a groan, her arm dropping to her side before trudging past him.

She took a couple of steps forward, standing next to him before reaching into her bag and pulling out a shiny slick black metal weapon. Her pride and joy, a compact bow.

She pulled out an arrow, twirling it in her hand before notching it." Whoa, wicked." Gar marvelled, eyeing the weapon. Harper smirked at the boy before looking at Dick, amusement shined in his eyes as he saw her grip the familiar weapon. A feeling of nostalgia crept up on him, it felt somewhat surreal. This was the first time he was seeing her use her bow since he had left years ago to Detroit. He suddenly felt this longing to fight by her side once again, to see her in action.

" What do you want me to hit." She asked glancing around the barn.

" The window." He said pointing to the window at the top of the barn. " Don't miss" he mused. She let out a scoff, sending a wink to Gar before she shut her eyes and turned her head away from the target.

" Wait, how are you going to hit the target with your eyes closed?" Gar exclaimed. " You kind of need to see, you know" Kory said sarcastically.

Harper lifted her bow, she held the  string feeling her muscles tense as the familiar adrenaline she got whenever she had her bow in her hands coursed through her veins. Then, before anyone could even blink, the arrow shot through the air. The only way they knew she had hit her target was because of  the shattering of glass falling from the smashed window.

Harper opened her eyes looking
at the damage she had done. She saw the shocked faces of Rachel,  Gar and Kory and the proud look on Dick's." I never miss" she chuckled before giving a small curtsy, falling back in line with the rest.

" Huh, h-how?" Gar stuttered, his eyes darting from the broken window to the brunette who now stood next to him. Harper chuckled in amusement before Dick gestured to Kory next.

" Kory, Rachel said you can create light. Heat. Is that right?" Dick questioned. " Honestly. I'm still trying to figure it out." She replied shrugging, all eyes turning to her.

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