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"Kate are you ready?" My mom asked impatient.

I rolled my eyes back and quickly trew one last shirt in my backpack.

It had been six months since i was diagnosed with cancer. Chronic myelogenous leukemia to be exact. It's a form of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood. But the scary part is that it is a slow growing cancer than can suddenly grow extremely fast.

My parents where devastated when my old doctor explained this to me.

They've been obsessed with finding the right doctor over since. Lucky for me my cancer isn't a hurry because it took them 3 months to find the right one.

"Did you pack everything?" My mom asked me when i came down.

I nodded and trew the bag in the trunk. My whole life was about to be trapped in 4 stone walls  and i couldn't care less.

"You couldn't wear something a little bit more professional?" My dad asked when he saw me.

I looked down at my outfit, baggy mom jeans with an oversized shirt. It wasn't that bad but compared to his everyday suit it was.

I shrugged and stepped in the car. It wasn't like we were going somewhere fancy.

"Did you read the article that i sent you?" My mom asked as she drove away from our house.


The article was bullshit. Some famous oncologist who allegedly cured almost all his patients. My mom probably failed to read the word almost. No doctor could save everybody no matter how good he was.

"I think that this will all be over next year." My mom said hopeful.

I smiled when she said that. It was funny how optimistic she could be.

"Here you go. It's a long ride so go watch a movie or something." She said as she handed me my phone.

My mom was incredibly strict about my phone. I wasn't allowed to use it unless she was around. It had been like this since i got my first phone so i was used to it by now.

"Can i keep my phone at the hospital?"

There fell an awkward silence when i aksed that.

"Honey, you know that we only want what's best for you."

I sighed and put my earphones in. That was a no.

The rest of the drive was quiet, or atleast i was. My parents wouldn't shut up. Sometimes it amazed how much they talked. They've been together for almost 10 years, i would've thought by now that they run out of things to discus.

"We're here." My mom said with a smile.

"Finally." I whispered to myself. The drive was freaking 3 hours.

I turned my music off and handed my phone back to my mom. I looked at the huge building that was going to be my home. I kinda hated hospitals, they smelled weird and everyone was always so serious.

As we stepped out of the car my dad's phone rang.

"You guys go ahead, i have to take this."

With that said he walked off as he talked to his stupid phone. He refused to take a day off. He was a lawyer and wanted to be available at any time.

"Well i guess that leave just the two us of." My mom said with a smile.

She wanted to grab my hand but i refused.

I followed her into the building and stood behind my mom as she talked to the receptionist.

"You need to be at floor 3." The woman behind the desk said friendly.

My mom thanked her and walked to the elevator.

"Oh just look how cosy this looks." My mom said when the elavator door opened.

I'm pretty sure that my mom and where looking at two different places. All i could see where children who looked like the3t where dying with people in scrubs walking around them.

Hesitantly i followed my mom to the waiting area. The closer i got the more uneasy i felt about this whole thing.

"I told you this would be a nice place for you." My mom said as we sat down.

"I'd rather be home." I mumbled back.


Today i was meeting a new patient. I have been a doctor for quite some time now but i still get nervous everytime i have a new patient.

There were only 2 people sitting in the waiting room when i got there. This made it quite easy to guess who my new patient was.

One of the persons in the waiting room was a young girl. She had blonde, almost white hair with bright green eyes. She didn't look like she was at the right adress, she looked healthy. That was usually the hard part about being a doctor, no matter how healthy a person looked they still could be very sick.

Next to her was sitting a middle aged woman who surprisingly looked nothing like her.

I walked up to them and shook hands with the young girl first.

"Hello my name is Calum Hood and I'll be your doctor. You must be Katherine."

"Please, call me Kate." She said as she shook my hands.

I then turned my attention to the woman next to her.

"Mandy Bonders, I'm her mother. "

"No man in the house?" I asked Mandy.

"Her dad is on a phone call right now but he'll join us later." She answered.

"Alright shall we get started then? Please follow me to my office."

As we walked to the office Mandy was calling someone, i assumed it would be Kate's dad.

"Please sit down." I said to them as we entered my office.

Just when i was about to close the door a man came running. "I'm sorry for being late i had to take a important call."

"It's alright we where just about to get started."

He quickly sat down next to Mandy as i closed the door.

"I assume that we all know why where here?" I asked.

The parents nodded as Kate looked unbothered out of the window.

"Before we get Kate settled in i want to talk about how we will treat her. I'll also discuss the house rules we have here."

This caught Kate's attention, she looked at me with curiosity.

I laughed a little. "I guess that i should explain the house rules first."

"The first rule is that you're not allowed to leave the hospital without the permission of your doctor and those of your parents."

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