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"Are you sure?" I heard someone whisper.

"Hundred percent. You should've seen how she was last night ." Another voice answered.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to let them know that i was awake. Luke and Calum where standing in my room.

"I'm sorry sunshine we didn't mean to wake you." Calum whispered to me.

"You couldn't talk somewhere else?" I aksed him as i closed me eyes again.

"Kate i need to talk to you." He said as he genlty touched my arm.

I immediately pulled it back knowing that he was referring to my bruise.

I slowy sat up with my arms crossed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I think you know that already." Luke said as he stepped closer to my bed.

I sighed and looked down. "Nothing happend. You guys know how easily i bruise."

"We know that but what concerns us is how you came back yesterday." Luke said.

"And how was that?" I said defensive.

"You were really upset and seemed distant."

I shrugged. "That doesn't mean anything."

"Kate i know that you don't like to talk to us but please just tell us what happend when you were home."

"Nothing happend. My mom just got angry at me for dying my hair. She grabbbed my arm so that she could wash it out." I almost yelled at them.

"Did that upset you?" Calum asked in a calm voice.

I calmed down a bit, there was no reason that i should be yelling at them.

"Yes it did. I just wanted to do something that i wanted but she keeps telling me that only she know what's best for me."

Calum layed his hand on my knee to show that he cared about what i had to say.

"I appreciate you guys looking out for me but please don't talk to my mom about this." I said to the both of them.

"Why not? I didn't think this it the right behaviour your mom should have right now." Luke said.

I shook my head. "She's always been like this and knows actually what she's doing. If i want her to change I'll have to confront her myself."

Calum pointed to my arm. "We'll discuss that with your mom but won't say anything else. It's important for you to be safe when you're not being watched by doctor's. You're physically very weak so even an small bruise could do you more harm than you think."

I nodded, i understood where he was coming from.

"You have your appointment with Ashton today so you can talk to him about this if you want." Calum said.

I had totally forgot about that. I wasn't ready to talk to him.

"Thanks for reminding me." I said with an fake smile.

He smiled back. "He'll pick you up in an hour."

With that said he stood up.

"Bye Kate, I'll see you later." The both of them spoke as the left my room.

I sighed and let myslef fall back on the bed. How the hell was i going to escape from Ashton?

Not even 5 minutes later there was a soft knock at the door, it was Alice.

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