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I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Thankfully i didn't have to start early today. Normally my alarm would go off at around 5 in the morning. But today it ringed at 10.

I quickly got ready and walked downstairs to see if there was anyone home.

"Hello?" I yelled when i walked into the kitchen.

There was no reply, everybody had already left for work.

After i ate some breakfast i  left the house to go to the hospital. I felt nervous for today because i had no idea how Kate was going to react to her first treatment.

A 15 minute drive later i arrived at the hospital. I clocked in and made myself a cup of coffee so that i could truly wake up.

I looked at the clock, it was time for Kate's first treatment.

I quickly chugged my coffee and walked to her room.

"Are you ready?" I asked her as i entered.
She was sitting in her bed faced towards the window.

She was silent for a second but then nodded.

I offered her my hand but she refused it.

She slowly followed behind me as i walked to the room where she would have her chemo. I noticed that she never walked next to me or anyone else, she always walked behind.

"Sit down and make yourself comfortable."

She sat down in a chair as she nervously bit her nails.

"Do i need to explain anything to you before we start?" I aksed knowing that we've already discussed everything.

She shook her as she avoided eye contact. "Just get it over with." She whispered.

"Alright, I'll get the needle and get you hooked up."

I hadn't seen Kate freak out once. She had
been the most chill patient I've had so far. But as soon as i grabbed the needle i saw pure fear in her eyes.

"Everything okay?" I aksed before doing anything else.

She nodded as she looked away.

"You'll only feel a little pinch, it will be over after that."

She didn't say anything.

I carfully lifted her sleeve up and notices a scar on her arm. It was on the exact spot where an IV was normally put.

I wanted to ask her about it but now didn't seem like the right time to do so.

I carefully put the needle above the scar in her arm. Her whole arm tensed up and she shut her eyes.

"All done." I said as put a bandage on it.

"I don't like needles." She said as she slowy calmed down.

"A lot of patients are scared of them, it helps to not think about it to much."

"How long will this take?"

"2 hours, do you want me to stay here for a bit?" I aksed her. A lot of patients found the first time the scariest. I had even seen some rip theirs out.

She shook her head. "You can go."

"Alright then, I'll be back before you know it."

She keep her face turned away from me.

I hesitantly left the room. I never felt comfortable to leave my patients alone their first time. But i had to respect her choices.

I went to one of the break rooms to think about everything for a second.

"What you thinking about?" Ashton asked me when he walked into the room.

"Kate, my new patient."

"What about her?"

"It's like she doesn't even want the treatment. She doesn't say a word yet isn't a shy kid. I just have trouble understanding her, that's all."

Ashton simply nodded.

"What was she like during group therapy?" I aksed hoping that he could give me some more information.

"You know that I can't tell you those things unless Kate gives me persmission to do so."

I sighed. "I know, i just want to know what's going on in her head."

"Patience my friend, patience." Ashton replied with a smile.


I wanted this needle out of my arm as soon as possible.

I figeted with the bandage in it as i tried to resist the urge to pull it out.

Just as i stared biting my nails River entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him confused.

He smiled as he sat down next to me. "Thought I'd keep you company. The first time is the worst. "

"You're paler than usual."

"That's probably because i feel sicker than usual." He said with as small smile.

"Because of the treatment?"

He nodded. "Yeah, you'll feel bad for a few hours if you're lucky. Or for a few days if you're not lucky."

I let my head fall back, i didn't wanted to think about that. "You got lucky."

He laughed little. "You have very good observations skills."

"What did you do to entertain yourself?"

"A lot if things, i talked to my family or friends, watched a movie or even did some schoolwork."

I couldn't do all those things. I didn't have a phone, my family didn't care and i had no friends or school.

"Did you ever had the urge to pull it out?" I said pointing to the needle.

He shook his head. "Not really, it did cross my mind a couple of time but i never had to urge to actually do it."

I nodded as kept looking at the metal stick in my arm.

We both where a quiet for a second before River spoke again.

"I have to go, my parents are still here."

"It's okay. I don't mind being alone."

He smiled and slowy stood up. "Goodluck and may the odds be forever in your favor."

I rolled my eyes when he said that.

Technically i wasn't alone, there where 2 other people in the room. An old man and a middle aged woman. One of them 3eas asleep snd the other was busy on their phone. So i didn't bother to talk to them.

The longer i had the be here the worse i stared to feel.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of absolutely nothing to calm myself a bit down.

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