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I slowly sat up as I tried to ignore my headache

"Mom please take that thing home with you."

"No but what I will be doing is take your phone."

"What why? I've barely used it." I said confused.

"So that means that you're not going to miss it and i don't need a reason because i'm your mother."

"You're not." I mumbled, i was too scared to say it aloud.

"What did you just say to me?" She said offened.

A nurse knocked on my door. "I'm here to take you to group therapy." She said with a smile.

I sighed and stood up. For the first time i was actually happy to go to groups therapy.

"We'll discuss this another time." My said to me before i walked out of the room.

I didn't say anything back. I wanted her to leave, i didn't need her in my life.

"Where's dr.Hood?" I asked the nurse as we where walking.

"He's assisting an operation, he will come see you after hes done."

I  nodded, that would give some time to think if i should to talk to him about my mother.

River was already there when we arrived. This time the seat next to him was empty.

"Welcome back." He whispererd with a smile when i sat down next to him.

"Happy to be back." I said sarcastic.

Ashton closed the door and sat down.

"There's a new person, she arrived yesterday." He said pointing to a shy girl.

She had faded pink hair and looked pretty skinny. She held her head down while she figeted with her fingers.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ashton asked the girl.

She hesitantly looked up and waved at the group. "I'm Alice and I'd rather not say why I'm here."

That was pretty weird to me. Why would she want to keep that a secret?

Ashton accepted that and carried on with the same crap like he did last time.

Just like last time i ignored everything that he said and only spoke when somebody aksed me something.

After what seemed like forever the session was finally over.

People slowly left the room, nobody was in a hurry accept me.

I could tell that Ashton wanted to talk to me but i slipped out of the room just in time.

Once outside i bumped into River.

"In a hurry?"

I nodded. "Ashton wants to talk to me but i don't want to talk to him."

He laughed as he shook his head.

"Shall we say hello to the new girl?" River asked as we were walking back to our rooms.

"You wanna go talk to her?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yeah i do, is that so weird?"

I smiled. "I just didn't think that you were the social type."

"Wanna come?"

I hesitated, i wasn't exactly in the mood to socialize but i still was curious about who this girl was.


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