Chapter 13: Depend

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Chapter 13: Depend

Taehyung went inside Jimin's house. He runs inside and saw Jimin brushing his teeth with a towel on his right shoulder.

"Hyungie" Taehyung beamed and hurriedly jumped to him.

Jimin's eyes widened since he was holding a cup of water. He wants to yell 'No' but he was too late when Taehyung already jumped on him. The water splashed but Jimin holds the glass of water tightly. His hands were already encircled Taehyung's waist.

"What thwe fwuck ywou dwoing?" Jimin grumbled with the brush on his mouth and bubbles.

Taehyung just chuckled and tightly clutched Jimin's neck.

"I missed you so much, hyung~" Taehyung whines.

Jimin remove the brush and wiped his mouth with the towel while his other hand was still encircled Taehyung's waist.

"Geez, alright, now, can you go down and let me go?" Jimin soughed and rolled his eyes.

"No" Taehyung pouted and snuggled his face to the crook of Jimin's neck.

"Taehyung~" Jimin's groans

Taehyung just whines and snuggled more to Jimin's neck. Jimin just rolled his eyes in defeat and let Taehyung cling to him. He went to the bathroom and gently placed Taehyung in the sink and washed his face.

"Hyung, Jungkook told me something. He kind of opened up to me." Taehyung muttered remembering what happened last night.

"As if I care." Jimin replied mockingly and washed his face.

He checks his face if he had a beard. He saw nothing and washed his face once again.

"Hyung." Taehyung mumbled while fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hm?" Jimin responded

"What if, he wasn't sincere or he was doing something? What should I do, hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know, it depends on you but me. You must check him, I still wasn't trusting him. I felt like he wasn't sincere. But it's up to you." Jimin retorted when he dried his face with the towel.

"Okay, hyung." Taehyung said and he clung to Jimin again.

Jimin and Taehyung went out of the bathroom. Jimin put him down on the bed, remove his shirt, and wore other clothes.

"But what if I fall in love? And, what if he's playing with me again? I don't know if I can control my heart, hyung." Taehyung sighed.

Jimin shooked his head, he turns around, and cupped Taehyung's cheeks.

"It depends on you, I will just support you. If he ever dares to hurt you, just tell to me. I won't hesitate to teach him a lesson. I'm the one who took care of you so I won't let anyone hurt you under my watch." Jimin giggled and squeezed his cheeks.

Let's say, Jimin may or may not also beat up Bogum after finding out that the bubblegum guy hurts Taehyung. And Taehyung surely doesn't know about it because he never see Bogum after they broke up.

"Thank you, hyung. You're the best and I'm so lucky to have you." Taehyung chuckled liking Jimin's presence.

"Want to eat or play?" Jimin asked to change their topic.

"Sleep" Taehyung laughed.

"Seriously? You came here just to sleep." Jimin playfully rolled his eyes and stand properly.

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired right now. I'm not in the mood to do something else." Taehyung muttered. 

"Aish, you can sleep there, I'll just finish my house chores." Jimin told him since his house was kind of messy.

"Cuddles?" Taehyung pouted.

"When you wake up, you'll see me beside you." Jimin chuckled and gave the chicken form pillow to him.

"Okay, if that doesn't happen, I'll kill you." Taehyung snuggled on the pillow.

"Yeah, sure thing." Jimin simply ignored his threats knowing Taehyung won't hurt him.

Taehyung fell asleep and snuggled on the pillow. Jimin went downstairs and made food for him.

At Tae's Mansion

"I told you, I can't do that, they were close and we can't separate them." Taesha stated to Jungkook who was sitting on the couch crossing his legs.

"It depends on you, Mrs. Kim, company or bankruptcy?" Jungkook snickered and rubbed the tip of the gun on his head as if he didn't know that with one wrong click, it'll shoot him.

"You can give me another option, but not like that. They were soulmates and they treat each other as the most important person." Taesha explained while gritting her teeth.

"That's only the option, Mrs. Kim." Jungkook grinned innocently.

"It's not easy, if we did that, it will turn worst, Taehyung might feel half of his taken from him. Besides, you don't know what else Jimin can do." Taesha told him.

She flinched when Jungkook shot the flower vase behind her.

"Just do what I want! Or else, I will take down your company, understood?" Jungkook growled.

Taesha sighed in defeat and nodded her head. She can't do anything else but agree. Her company was the source of her family's income. She can't lose it. She needs Jeon, that's the only way she can survive her company's misery and loss.

"See, it's easy to agree. Why are you making it hard for me?" Jungkook laughed devilishly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon, that won't happen again. It's my fault, I should watch my action. I will do what you wanted but please don't take down my company, it's really important to me." Taesha uttered.

"If you do what I wanted, I surely won't do that. But if you failed Mrs. Kim, I don't think I can help you anymore." Jungkook smirked.

"I will make sure to satisfy you, Mr. Jeon. My son will always listen to me, he will be yours no matter what happened. Just give me some time to separate them. I need to think about what should I do to separate them. As I said, it won't be easy. I'm not lying,  they are attached to the hip since." Taesha stated.

"I don't care about your nonsense. Do everything if needed if you want to survive, Mrs. Kim."

Jungkook retorted and stood up from his seat.

"I'll be leaving now, I hope to hear good news from you."

He left while Taesha sighed frustratedly not knowing what to do.

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