Chapter 32: Ruined

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Chapter 32: Ruined

Taehyung woke up, he groans in pain, he massaged his head feeling the headache get worst. It was already 2 in the afternoon. He stands up while his sight was blurry. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He took the towel from the wall, dried his face, and went out of the bathroom.

He saw Jimin leaning on the doorframe crossing his arms.

"Your mom called me to check on you. Did you guys fight again?" Jimin asked sitting on the bed.

"No." Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

"Do you have plans for this day?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung smirked pulling out his white shirt, denim pants, and jacket.

"Yeah, attending a party." Taehyung snickered.

"Party? What are you doing to the party?" Jimin inquired confused.

"If there's a party, there's a free drink." Taehyung smirked, wearing his clothes.

"Party by who? Why I'm not invited?" Jimin asked.

"My lovely husband's party." Taehyung replied and left his room.

"Ah, ok—wait what?!" Jimin flinched standing up on the bed.

He chased Taehyung who already parked a cab.

"Hey Tae, you have to know something about the party!" Jimin yelled but Taehyung already got inside the cab.

Well, he called Jin to ask him if he was fine, Jin somehow shared that he was invited to a party and the party is about welcoming Jungkook and the engagement between the two companies. It'll be all over the news because the two outstanding companies will collaborate.

"Shit" Jimin mumbled hoping inside the car that borrows from his boyfriend Yoongi.

The cab arrived in front of the company, Taehyung paid the driver and got inside the company. He roamed his eyes, he noticed a lot of cameras and interviewers inside the company.

"So, this engagement might be so special for him." Taehyung tsk-ed.

He took the wine from the waiter who roamed around the hall.

"Conference huh! How dare he arrange an engagement like this, he never did this to us." Taehyung muttered under his breath chugging down the wine.

He saw Jungkook wearing formally, greeting some guests. He was smiling ear to ear which made Taehyung annoyed.

"Wow, he smiling, fuck you." Taehyung uttered clicking his tongue.

Taehyung was just staring at Jungkook who bowed at his guest. When Jungkook looked in Taehyung's direction, Taehyung turns around looking somewhere else.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Jeon enterprise, this party is about the engagement between Jeon' and Won's enterprises. And also for welcoming our new chief director Jeon Jungkook who will give a speech, before the party began, Aera Won and Jeon Jungkook will have a signature in front of the public to show that they confirming their collaboration." The host started smiling.

The crowd clapped when the host spoke. Meanwhile, Taehyung simply drank 7 wines rolling his eyes.

"Let's welcome Jeon Jungkook and Won Aera here on the stage." The host added moving aside.

Aera's hand is around Jungkook's left arm. Jungkook was walking with her as they went on the stage. Jungkook held the microphone and started to speak with Aera beside him, still clinging like a snake.

"I wonder when will they get married?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look, they are good for each other."

"Just good? Huh, we're better for each other." Taehyung sassed in a hushed tone.

"You're right, Ms. Aera was beautiful and Mr. Jeon was handsome, they will be having the perfect family."

"Tsk, she's not beautiful as me." Taehyung mumbled and gulped down the 13th wine.

"Who are you? You keep mumbling there."

Taehyung glared at her and smirked.

"None of your business, shut up your mouth if you don't wanna die." Taehyung fired back setting down the glass of wine on the waiter.

He walked away from them, leaving them shocked.

"Now, stop this fucking shit." Taehyung uttered lowly pushing away those people who blocked his way.

He was pretty drunk but he doesn't care since he was mad and jealous at the same time which was not a good mixture of feeling together. He was kinda limping while walking, Aera and Jungkook signing the contract, glancing at each other while smiling.

Jungkook flinched when someone held his collar forcing him to stand up then he felt pair of lips on his. He looked at Taehyung who has eyes closed, kissing him, he can taste the whine from Taehyung and he was pretty sure he was drunk.

The guard was about to stop Taehyung but Jeon Junho stopped the guard.

"It's okay, that's his husband, you don't have to stop them." Junho smiled watching them.

"But sir, this event was big, he ruined it." The guard replied.

"Don't speak like that in my son-in-law, or else, I'll fire you." Junho warned glaring at the guard.

Taehyung pulled away as he felt Jungkook didn't kiss him back.

"Why, huh?! Why are you not kissing me back?! Is that because of her, huh?!" Taehyung inquired shouting while firmly shaking Jungkook's collar.

"Tae, what are you talking about? You have to calm—"

"Don't speak! You can tell me you like her more than me! You are an asshole! If I could just jump out of the plane just to go back to you, I'll do it! But you! Do you mister have the guts to find someone better than me?! Next time, if you find someone please does not look like a fish!" Taehyung interrupted drunkenly.

Jungkook bit his tongue trying not to suppress a chuckle. Taehyung took the microphone to the host.

"To all of you here! Just want to remind you! This man is my fucking husband!" Taehyung continued

He was about to speak more but he passed out in Jungkook's arms.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

He sighed when he heard Taehyung's snores. Jungkook carried Taehyung in a bridal style and smile apologetically.

"Sorry, you can continue the party, my husband was drunk, sorry for what he did." Jungkook apologize.

He went down on the stage and walked away from the crowd who were confused and shocked.

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