A new book?

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Hey you guys! It's been a hot minute. I have 2 books that I have started on and I want to know whichone you guys would be more interested in!

The 1st one is about a timer that every person is given to find their soulmates. If they don't find their soulmates in time they die. It's loosely based off of those Tiktok POV's some of you have probably seen lol. 

The 2nd one is about a family who's city gets overtaken by 'The Riots'. Saige is only 16 years old and is now taking care of her 5 year old sister and has no idea what happened to her mother or brother. This one gives me divergent vibes, but that's not what it's based off of. 

Let me know which one intrests you more so I can start working and publishing one! 

Thanks so much for all your support guys! Much love!


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