53: The Miracle of Childbirth

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Yoongi's back didn't feel any better. It still ached all the time, and he was losing way more sleep than he was happy with, as if he wanted to lose any at all.

But he was only about 8 months pregnant, so he was dreading the next month filled with promises of no sleep and nothing but aches and pains in his swollen feet and stressed back.

At this point, Yoongi could smile for Beomgyu, but not even Jungkook could get him out of his sour mood. He was cranky from lack of sleep, only serving to make his mood swings more common and sometimes more intense.

Just the other day, Yoongi yelled at Jungkook for trying to help him put on his shoes and then cried when Jungkook stopped helping him, only to smack him and demand that he gets Jin to help him instead when Jungkook tried to help again.

Jungkook didn't let that go for the rest if the day, and Yoongi felt really bad by the end of the night when he was no longer tired from just waking up, so he cried again and Jungkook had to cuddle him to sleep and constantly reassure him that it wasn't a big deal.

Yoongi, of course, was embarrassed the next morning and shoved Jungkook out of the bed to pretend like he didn't need cuddles. But he did. He really wanted those cuddles. He really needed those cuddles.

And now he was grumpy because his back hurt and Jungkook wasn't cuddling him at that exact moment in time.

Instead, Jungkook was probably in the library reading children's books to baby Beomgyu. They had been having a lot of father and son bonding time recently since there weren't too many meetings to attend, and Yoongi was being fickle over whether or not he wanted to spend time with him.

Yoongi decided to get up and go to the library so that he could spend time with them. Dressed in one of Jungkook's oversized shirts and a pair of Jungkook's smallest pairs of sweatpants, he waddled through the castle all the way to the library. When he arrived, he looked around and spotted Jungkook in a big chair couch with Beomgyu in his lap, holding a book in front of them and looking back and forth between the baby and the book with a smile on his face.

Yoongi stopped and admired the view. They were so cute together.

"Oh, hey, Yoongi!"

Yoongi turned to Namjoon with a start. Apparently, he was standing on a ladder while getting a book to read from the top self, and Yoongi didn't notice him. But Namjoon sure noticed Yoongi walk in.

With his belly, he's kind of hard to miss.

"Oh, Yoongi!" Jungkook looked up. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see what you were doing," Yoongi answered, walking over to Jungkook's chair slowly, sending a small wave to Namjoon as he passed him, earning a wave back.

"I'm reading the Princess and the Pea to Beomgyu. Want to join us?"


Yoongi lowered himself next to Jungkook, who turned back to the book.

"While the princess laid on the 20 mattresses, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep the whole night!"

Beomgyu gasped.

"The small pea felt like a bolder under her back, and she couldn't sleep a wink all night! The next morning everyone sat down for breakfast and the princess couldn't stop yawning."

Beomgyu turned to look at Jungkook and squeaked.

"I know, right! Poor, sleepy princess."

Yoongi smiled, trying not to giggle and interrupt their moment.

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