55: Epilogue 2: Playdate

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(A/N: Bruh I posted completely unedited and realized I said 'she' instead of 'he' somewhere 💀) 

~~Another time skip (Beomgyu is like 5 and the twins are like 4)~~

"Beomgyu, are you dressed yet?"

"My head is stuck!" Beomgyu screeched.

Yoongi facepalmed and opened his son's door, letting himself in to see Beomgyu with one arm in and arm hole and the other arm through the neck hole, leaving Beomgyu's confused head stuck in the middle of the shirt.

"Yuyu, your friends are on their way! You're not going to keep them waiting, are you?" Yoongi teased, helping Beomgyu fix his shirt.

"Mom," Beomgyu whined. "Don't call me Yuyu in front of my friends."

Yoongi pouted. His baby was getting too old too fast. He wanted to call his baby Yuyu forever, but that time period seemed to be coming to a close. He even called him 'mom' instead of 'mama' now.

"Oh, I see. My little Beomgyu has become too big for cute nicknames. That must also mean that he's too big for stuffies on his bed, right Beomgyu?" Yoongi faked sadness, moving to the bed and picking up a dinosaur stuffie that just so happened to be one of Beomgyu's favorites.

Beomgyu looked scandalized.

"Mom! Not the stuffies! I need Dina!"

Yes, the dinosaur was female, and if anyone suggested otherwise, Beomgyu would set them straight real fast.

"Do you now?" Yoongi put the stuffie back down and turned to Beomgyu with eyes full of amusement.

"Come on, my friends are coming!" Beomgyu ignored Yoongi's comment and pulled him out of the room to change topics. "We don't want them waiting!"

Yoongi laughed and followed Beomgyu to the palace doors. They waited for a few minutes and the doors opened to reveal Minjun the king of bears, Yukio his canine queen, and Yeonjun, their adopted son who was a bear hybrid from an orphanage in Minjun's kingdom. Minjun and Yukio hit it off after that one party, and after Yukio had drunkenly admitted he thought Minjun was cute, he figured there was no reason to be shy about his opinion when he was sober. He snatched up his man by raining never ending compliments on him, and it actually worked.

Yeonjun ran into the castle on his little six year old legs, crashing into Beomgyu for a bear hug. (😉)



Yoongi frowned. Why the heck was his friend allowed to call him that nickname if he wasn't? Frick that, he's going to keep calling his son whatever the heck he wants to.

"Hello, Minjun. Yukio." Yoongi greeted.

"Hello, again, Yoongi. Thanks for having us over. Yeonjun really missed his best friend," Minjun responded, entering the castle with the shy Yukio behind him.

"Now we are just waiting for Jungkook to bring the twins, and for Jin and Namjoon to bring Soobin."

Just then Jungkook came through a doorway with a toddler on each hip.

"Hey. Sorry it took so long. Seohyun was too shy to come down, and Taehyun couldn't pick a shirt."

"That's okay. We're still waiting on one more," Yoongi explained.

Just then, another six year old sprinted into the room giggling and shirtless with an exasperated Jin running after him with a shirt in his hands.

"Soobin! Get back here!"

Minjin had quick reflexes and grabbed Soobin's arm as he tried to pass by. Soobin whined as he tried to pull his arm away.

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