Seeing Him

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Rantaro POV:


Turning back i can see a blonde haired girl running towards me, her hair all over the place. I can feel my lips release a small sigh as  I can already hear the gossip ready to come out of her mouth. "What is it?" The blonde stopped beside me opening her arms wide as if she was expecting a hug. "No."  Is all  I muster to say as i continue forward. Her face drops as she tries to keep up, her mouth ready to start complaining. "Amami, why are you so mean to me."  I keep quiet, deciding to pass by the gas station before heading to school.  My steps getting faster while she keeps following talking about the latest gossip, my patience getting to the limit. "Akamatsu, can you please  shut up!" My patience gone, and my anger ready to come out. "Jeez your such a dick." Is all she says before leaving me. I release my breath, she was gone that's all that matters.

Kokichi POV: 

Looking up i start to see how massive this school is. Hopes Peak Academy. The school where the best people come out of. How did i even make it in. "Excuse me."  A shiver goes down my spine, turning around i see this brunette holding textbooks and notebooks. "Hey are you Kokichi Ouma?" She asks her face looking as if she was expecting me. "Y-yes." i answer. My stuttering coming out, she smiles excitingly her hand grabbing my wrist and booking it into the school. "Hey where are we going?" is all i muster to say once we enter, she doesn't respond. Making me more worried, what if she tries to hurt me, or worse! "Hey stop worrying I'm only taking you to the principals  office! I promise i wont hurt you!" she smiles. Her smile its something i haven't seen in a while, it seemed kind and welcoming. Something i haven't seen in a while, well after my parents died in a fire. "What's wrong?" I breath out not realizing i have been holding my breath. "Its nothing. H-hey i never got your name." We start to slow down while we go upstairs. "Oh! I'm Maki Harukawa, hopefully we can get to know each other more this year!" she smiles. After a while we stop at a door, i guess this is the principals office.

Rantaro POV:

Entering the school i can hear whispering going around, but didn't bother to care. If its not told to me it don't care. My steps growing faster as i try to reach class on time. Going upstairs i can see my friend group. Kirumi, Korekiyo, and Miu. "Hey guys. Whats up?" i call out. Their faces turning around and waving at me, we start talking for a while before something caught my eye. A purple haired boy walking out of the principals office, soon to be followed by Maki Harukawa. Her eyes staring straight into mine as she glared. Maki and i dont have the best relationship. We were friends at some point but i fucked up that friendship. But that boy, I havent seen him before, my curiosity growing even more. "Hello earth to  Amami! Can you hear us. we're gonna be late for class." Snapping back to reality i can see Miu booking it to class as Korekiyo and Kirumi follow close behind. Without a another second to waste i start to follow close behind. But who is that boy?

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