Forget them

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Korekiyo POV:

I stopped. Did Amami reopen them? Looking up his eyes wet, tears rolling down his face. "I-im sorry." is all i muster to say. My tears dripping onto the floor. Whimpers are heard as they echoed all through out the washroom, my breath shaky, my whole body shivering as my emotions went everywhere.


"You worthless piece of shit! Why did you fucking tell them!" My whole body being thrown onto the floor. "I'm so-" Pain shoots through my body. My body going limp, staring in her gaze. Anger in her eyes, tears in mine. "Answer the mother fucking question.  Why did you tell them!"  Her foot suddenly on stomach, her glare slicing through my body. "Wow you really are pathetic. Your worthless to this family. No wonder dad hates your worthless ass. Now stay still." she laughs. Watching her hand carefully my fear rises, tears running down my face. The knife getting closer to my chest, struggling to get out her grip immense pain shots through my body. My eyes widen screams going everywhere, my body starting to lose conscious. Last thing i remembering his her face, her grinning face. After that day i never say her again she ran away. Leaving me with my parents.


"Bye Kiyo!" My mom says while walking out the door. Her uniform making her look like a prostitute. Cause she was, her and my father didnt have a healthy relationship. My mother having to work extreme jobs to keep this family running. My father just does two things  having sex and drinking.

"Korekiyo Shinguiji! Get your fucking ass up here!" Fear overwhelms my body. My feet shaking, every step getting heavier. The air getting harder to breath. I open the door to see my dad and a random woman. "Korekiyo, go to the fucking corner store and get us some beer alright!" I nod. If I arrive quickly i wont get yelled at, my fear lowering down a little. Taking the money i head towards the corner store. "Hello Hagakure."  the man turns around and greets back. "Hey little man. Let me guess you came for beer." He smiles. I nod in response. He gets up and goes to the back, after a while he comes out with it and hands it to me. "That'd be 10.98!" I hand him the money and proceed to leave.  Walking back home i see someone following me, my fear rising up again. Speeding up my pace the figure speeds his too, the fear in my body couldnt be overwhelmed. Starting to sprint so does the figure. the man catching up to me. Pulling me into a corner, tears filling my eyes. "Dont worry. This wont take long." He whispers. His breath hitting against my neck making me shake. Red starting to appear on my face. " See your enjoying it already. Your such a little slu-"

"Hey man! What the fuck are you doing!" Turning around i see Hagakure holding something. "Leave him alone you fucking pedophile!" Running towards us as he got closer he seemed to hold a bat. The man pulling out a knife, placing it on my neck. Sweat rolling down my face. Hagakure stopped his anger gone and instead replaced with fear. "Dont hurt him. He's just a kid." The man grins before letting me go, throwing me on the ground.  Hagakure quickly coming to my aid, asking questions. "How did you know where i was?" he stops before answering the question. "I've seen that man before. He stands outside the store. He always follows kids like you, i've followed him before but he never did anything to them. But seeing him leave when you left made me follow him with something in hand. But i never thought he would do this."  he sighs.  "lets take you home!" he smiles. Handing me a chocolate bar.

Entering the doorway screaming erupts. "Where the fuck were you!?" My father yells coming downstairs. His loud screams going around the whole house. Fear striking through my body. Standing there hear the door creaking open. My mom came back her hair a mess and her eyes dull. Smiling down at me she looks up at my dad. Her eyes widen tears filing her eyes. Her breath shaking. "Kiyo please go upstairs." She smiles. Her cheeks letting tears roll down them. Following her orders i head upstairs. Once i get up there i hear pure hell, screams, fighting objects being thrown. I cant deal with this, heading towards the bathroom i pull out one of the many razors in the drawers. Applying it to my wrist, pressuring it on it. Its all my fault, im worthless, i should just kill myself.


Arms wrap around me, the comfort its warm. Looking down i see Ouma tears rolling his eyes along with mine. Wrapping my arms around him, i smile.

Is this what love is?

A/N: i know this is kinda crappy, i just came back from the beach and im still tired. I also have tests this week so my uploading schedule will be kinda wonky. So ya. Take care of yourself, drink lots of water, get sleep, and see you soon.

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