Neighborhood Friend

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-Time skip-

Kiibo's POV:
Seeing Kokichi and Korekiyo walk home together made me  slightly sad but that's friendship. You have to make new ones, but it's like if I wanted Kokichi to walk home with me. This feeling doesnt go away but instead grows a little larger. But looking at the consequences  its better that he walked him home. Looking around as pass by the little shopping stores that are around my neighborhood. "Hey Kiibo!" Turning around i see Kokichi running towards me. " K-kokichi!" i stutter out. How did he know were i lived. "How did you know were i live." i say. He stands there confused. "I dont know where you live? I moved near here, y'know when i had arrived to Hopes peak. I didnt live here." he laughs. "oh." i sigh. Whats happening to me, i didn't feel much emotions growing up but now i can feel, and i like this. Want to feel more.

 "kiibo whats on your mind?" turning around i see kokichi smiling. Opening my mouth i decide to change the subject, our conversation getting deeper. "Welp it was nice talking to you kiibo. But i need to head home." He pointed out towards the neighborhood in front of mine. "Ah! Well see you in school." I say. Heading in the opposite way. Think about my conversation with Kokichi and think about how cute his face was, my face slightly heating up. 

Before i knew it i was home. Stepping up on the front porch i hear the front door slam open. Looking up i see my my parents. Nagito komeada and makoto naegi. "Hello dads." I greet. Trying to pass by my cloud haired father he wraps his arms around me and starts to tear up. "Kiibo oh how much i missed you. I so sad you weren't here." he cries even more and i just want him to let me go. Standing there my father Makoto tries to rip off dad. "Komeada the kid has to go to school. Its not like you never went to school." After moments of pulling crying and standing there my dad finally let go. "Dads i have a question." I mutter. "Yea Kiibo, whats up." My brown haired father answered. "Is it normal for someone to think about someone else."

Kokichi POV:
Knocking on the door i stand there waiting on my uncle to answer the door. Standing there for a couple of minutes the door is still closed. Knocking again the door still didnt budge. "No ones home dumbass." I hear behind me. Turning around i see my uncle. "Ah!S-sorry, i didnt know." i stutter. He sighs and grabs his key. He opens the door and we get greeted by boxes. "Go finish unpacking your room ill call you down for dinner." He sighs, his red eyes dull and dead inside. Makes sense he had to take care of me without notice. I nod and head upstairs, each stair creaking more than the one before it.  the creaking floorboards making a noise after each of my steps im finally at my room. Opening the door i see most of the boxes unpacked and organized guess Kamukura organized a bit. I should thank him! Nodding my head i head over towards a slightly messy desk. "huh." guess he also organized my art supplies. Grabbing my sketchbook and pencils i start to make a self-portrait of him. Before i put the pencil on the paper a knock is heard. "I'll get it!" i call out. My uncle answering back of approval. Running down the steps the knocking gets louder and louder. Grabbing the door knob i slowly open the door.  Its shuichi. "Ah! Hello Shuichi." I greet. He must live near here. "Hello Ouma-kun." he answers back. His face hiding behind his hat. Its kinda annoying. "Shuichi, you should take off that hat its covering up your face." i huff.

I grab the hat and throw it on the ground. "K-kokichi." He stutters. Pulling him down by his tie i see he has beautiful amber eyes. "See Shuichi you look even prettier than before! Wait...Oh My God!"

Shuichi's face turns red almost immediately. "Shuichi! i didnt mean it like that! i mean you are pretty! But-" my heart was beating so fast. "Kokichi whats taking to long." I hear Kamukura call from out the kitchen. "Would you mind if i hung out with my friend?" I call out. Shuichi just shuffles awkwardly. "If you arrive before 8 then you can go." Looking down i see that its 5pm. I thought i had more time. Oh yeah, i had to help korekiyo. "Wait here Shuichi i'll be right back!" he nods and i head inside, i really wanna start on my uncles portrait. Dashing outside with pencils and sketchbook in hand i close the door and stand by shuichi. "Okay lets head out!"

(So i know i might get so comments about Kiibos parents naegi and komeada you see kiibo is the ultimate hope robot in the game and nagito and naegi are like hope if you get what im saying. and kiibo and nagito have white and he also has the antenna hair of his egghead of a father, also Kokichis family might be a little confusing so i'll explain it in the next chapter.)

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