{4} Date Night

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It's been nearly a week since I first arrived and I've gotten pretty close to the vamps. Yea that's what I call them. I've become practically best friends with Eliza. She's cool and funny.

Alek and I have gotten closer too. He works a lot though so I only see him in the mornings and nights. Resulting in us only having minor conversations. I wish we could be closer and like a real couple, but I can't decide that on my own for both of us.

"Moring," I said as I walked into the living room. Maggie and Eliza were making breakfast while Sarah and Will were sitting on the couch.

Everyone was comfortable to be around me in their true form instead of in their human faces. Which I enjoyed because it meant they trusted me, and I to them. They did hide their fangs away though because I still wasn't used to those, they were scarier than wolves fangs. Sure wolves have more fangs on both the top and bottom teeth and vampires only on the top but their teeth are longer and sharper, I don't want to accidentally have them bite me or something.

"Good morning." They all said.

"Alek wanted to see you in his bedroom," Will said and I nodded.

I walked to his bedroom and before I could knock, the door swung open.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey." he smiled. "Come in."

I walked in and I remembered this room was the one I woke up in after the wolves attacked me.

I sat on the couch, yes a couch, in his bedroom.

"I wanted to talk to you." He said sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, we've been starting to get to know each other a bit better, and I thought it was time for me to ask you out. On a date." He smirked.

'Oh my god. YES! YES! YES! FINALLY!' I just wanted to jump up and down.

"Um... yeah that sounds great," I said in reality.

He grinned, "Great. I'll see you at 8."

He walked me to the door and when I returned to the living room, everyone was staring at me with big grins.

"You all look really creepy right now," I stated.

"Sooooooo..." Eliza said.

"Did you say yes?" Maggie asked.

Will and Sarah were on the edge of their seats as well.

"Don't you all have super hearing? You know what I said."

"We do but we don't use it to eavesdrop...often," Will said.

"Hurry up! Did you say yes?!" Sarah yelled.

"Yes, yes yes. Now calm down." I said.

They all jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"Can't........breathe......your....super....strength....." I said in between my non-existent breaths.

They released and sat back down.

I caught my breath and thanked them before sitting down near the food Maggie and Eliza made.

After eating I was quickly grabbed and shoved into my bedroom. I looked up to see Eliza and Maggie standing over me.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"You have no clothes," Maggie said.

"I know..."  I said confused.

"We're going shopping," Eliza said.

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