{20} Transformation

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I was pacing in front of his bed. He looked dead. Yes, Rylie was dead, but he looked dead, dead. His skin was grey, barely had any fat in him. He was like a skeleton with a thin layer of cloth on top of him. His eyes were black and bulging inside his eyelids.

"Should I bite him again? I'm going to bite him again." I said but Eliza stopped me.

"We just have to wait for a little," she said.

"We can't wait any longer! I waited too long to inject my venom into him and now he's going to be dead. Forever!" I cried.

"Look. If you want to bite him once more, to make yourself feel better, then do it. But you also have to be patient." Will suggested.

I walked over to the side of the bed and grabbed Rylie's arm. It was so thin that when I wrapped by hand around his wrist there was a huge space big enough to fit another normal-sized wrist inside. I ran my fingers over his forearm and then slowly sunk my fangs into him. I injected as much venom as I could before slipping away.

A couple of minutes later we walked out of the room and stood outside the door talking.

"Why isn't it working?" I asked helplessly.

"Maybe the little amount of blood that was left is rejecting it? Maybe because he's a doppelganger it won't work." James said.

I shook my head, "I can't be that. Dominik was a doppelganger but he turned."

"But Dominik was the only living doppelganger. When he was born, his ancestor died. Leaving him to be alone. And now that he's a vampire, it allows both him and Rylie to live at the same time." Sarah explained.

"You guys." Maggie started. "What if he doesn't-" I cut her off.

"We can't be talking about this. Let's just see how he is."

When we walked in, Rylie was exactly the same as when we left. I sat in the chair next to him holding his small bony hand in mine.

We all stayed like that for a couple of minutes before the heart monitor started going haywire.

"What's going on?" Will asked.

"I don't know," I said.

Then Rylie's body started shaking uncontrollably.

"Is he seizing?" Eliza asked.

"I'm not sure," James replied.

We all got closer and noticed his mouth started to open. He yelled out in pain but he seemed to still be dead or sleeping. His teeth started changing. His canines on both the top and bottom row started to grow into fangs.

"You guys?" I said.

"We see it," Maggie replied to me.

Then his top lateral incisors started to grow fangs as well. Not as long or sharp as his canines though. He continued to shake and yell out in pain.

"Why does he have more fangs than just his top canines?" I asked.

They all looked at me and shook their heads, as to tell me they didn't know.

His body started to slow down on the shaking but then his eyes shot open. His blue-grey eyes started to change colors. They would change from red to gold to red to gold. That kept continuing.

"You guys don't think-" Sarah started but stopped once he started groaning, his eyes were now shutting and opening constantly, changing color each time he opened them again.

After a while, he calmed down. He was still not breathing but his eyes were closed.

Then his body seemed to gain a bit of color and he was gaining his mass back.

But after a second or two, his eyes shot open, revealing an orange flame-like color.

They matched the Lunar Eclipse outside.


Everything was black, but then my whole body shot upward. My eyes opened and I was gasping for air.

I was alive...



Cliffhanger! I know I'm so sorry! But I found this to be the perfect way to end the book. Stay tuned for more updates about the second book!

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