{5} Applications

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Then his lips hit mine. He kissed me. And I kissed him. The kiss was amazing. It wasn't too fast or too slow. It wasn't sloppy or messy. It wasn't a heated kiss but a loving one. It was perfect. Our lips moved perfectly in sync.

We slowly moved apart, our eyes opening and looking at each other. I could tell I was blushing.

"That was my first kiss," I said. I didn't care if I told him that, he was my mate, plus I think he felt the same sparks I could.

"I would've never guessed. You were amazing." He smiled.

"As were you," I said as I laid down to look up at the stars.

"I've never been on a date before," I said.


"Yup. The pack kept me in the house at all times."

"What about school?" he furrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Couldn't go." I shrugged. "I was able to use my old laptop while hiding in my room and I started online classes. Of course, I had to take normal human classes, hence why my supernatural knowledge only goes up to the fifth-grade level. But I graduated with honors and a 4.3 GPA so I was proud of myself."

"You already graduated? But it's May."

"Online school's different. I graduated at the beginning of May. Early."

"How do you feel about college?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I kind of put it off to the side. Once I became the pack's slave, I knew there was no chance of me leaving without ending up dead. So I gave up on thinking about college."

"Will is still young enough to go to college. He was always a party animal so I'm sure he wouldn't mind going with you to keep an eye on you. Make sure you're safe. Only if you want to go to college." He said.

"I think I do want to go to college. But not in person. I want to take online classes. That way, there's no risk at all, and I get to stay home all day." I smirked at the last comment.

Alek looked down at his watch, "We should head back now. It's almost midnight."

We had completely lost track of time.


I woke up the next morning in my bed, happy. I don't think I've woken up happy in years.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I walked over to my drawers and picked out a pair of boxers before walking over to my closet. I looked at the closet arrangement. The girls moved everything around after I left.

They moved all the 'badass' and 'sexy' clothes they bought me to the front and all the basic clothes to the back. I know I said I was into fashion, and I am, but I only bought simple clothes. I hadn't shopped in over 5 years so I didn't even know what to buy. The girls, of course, bought me many clothes I knew I would never wear because they weren't me. As of right now, I only wear plain or graphic tees and sometimes jeans but mostly sweatpants. Mostly sweats because I'm stuck in this house all day.

I moved many hangers to the side to reach my actual clothes and picked out a plain light blue tee and a pair of black sweats.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and found everyone on the couch. Including Alek, which made me happy. He was on his phone looking at something.

I was so busy focusing on Alek that I didn't have time to realize what was happening, "Think fast!" Will yelled.

I saw Alek's head twitch a bit to the side before super speeded off of the couch and speeding over to me. He flashed his hand a few inches in front of myself catching the apple that Will had thrown.

It all happened so fast, Alek was by my side in seconds, I could barely even see him run to me with how fast he was. Stupid super speed making jealous.

"Sorry!" Will yelled from across the big room.

Alek turned to face me, "Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine." I nodded.

He leaned down to kiss my cheek, "Good morning." he said.

"Good morning." I smiled, probably blushing like an idiot as well.

He walked me over to the couch and sat down.

"So after last night, when we came home, I looked into some colleges that would allow you to send in applications at this time, even though you're a little past the due date. You still have a good chance of being accepted into some good colleges." Alek said.

"You didn't have to do that," I said.

"No, but I wanted to. If you want to go to college, then I want that for you too."

"Thank you." I smiled, before kissing his cheek.


Throughout the day, Alek helped me send in applications to many schools. I honestly didn't care what school I would be going to. I didn't care if I got accepted to Harvard or Arizona state, as long as I get to go to college, I'm good.

"Thank you," I said as I turned to face Alek.

"I want to do this, for you. No need to thank me." He smiled.

"Not just this, but for everything. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be making dinner right now for over 50 pack members or worse, I'd be dead."

He reached his hand over to cup my cheek, "I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad you're safe with me, but don't keep talking about the pack. It clearly hurts you to even mention them. They're in the past. Now you have me and the rest of our friends. I want you to be happy. And I will do everything I can to do so."

I smiled at him before leaning in and kissing him. The kiss was short but sweet. Full of...love? It felt like love. We've only known each other for almost two weeks so of course I'm not gonna say I love him yet, but it's this stupid mate bond. Makes the feelings stronger.

When we pulled apart we looked into each other's eyes. We smiled at one another before he stood up to go to bed. I would ask him to stay and sleep with me, but I don't think we're ready for that yet. He just left and I already miss his presence. I don't know what I'm going to do when we mate and he marks me, he'll be gone at work and I'll be sad all day.

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