Chapter Five

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Akaashi never knew why he felt the emotions he felt when he was around you. They felt odd, weird even. But that didn't mean Akaashi didn't like them.

At first, Akaashi paid no attention to you, but his feelings begun soon after your first week as a manager of the volleyball club.

Your work ethic. That's what caught his attention; how you were always running around, trying to make each member as comfortable as possible as you gave out towels and water bottles.

Your neatly written notes on particular practice matches and your bright smile when you congratulated them, Akaashi secretly liked looking at these things.

In fact, after an intense day of practice, he couldn't help but smile a little reading your suggested improvements.

It was another thing Akaashi admired about you: how you always went out of your way to give each member advice applicable to their own skillset.

It's not as if you were any different from the girls he had interacted with before. You just happened to catch his attention.

Akaashi was intrigued how you could be so firm yet gentle with Bokuto when he was in one of his emo modes yet other times you were mothered by Kaori and Yukie.

He couldn't help but take glances at you.

Especially when the team had taken him out for his birthday. Akaashi had paid extra attention to you that day, your beautiful smile and your excitement — which he found so adorable, not that he was going to tell anyone — when giving him his gift.

It was a small, delicate owl figurine and he treasured it dearly, smiling softly every time he walked past the shelf it sat on.

You completely filled his thoughts, morning to night, during classes and even at night when he was trying to sleep.

When Akaashi saw you chatting happily with his teammates, the strange feeling came back. He didn't know why he didn't like the thought of you being close with other boys, especially not Kuroo.

Seeing you laugh when you were texting during practice was enough to put him in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

He even messed up his sets once because of it, but he tried his best to control his emotions after getting scolded by Coach Yamiji.

Even Akaashi himself was surprised he had lost his cool.

He sighed, shaking the memory from mind. It wasn't the time to worry about trivial matters right now when Nationals was coming up.

Before they winter break, the team had decided to host extra practice in the morning. Right now, everyone was present, apart from Coach Yamiji and the managers, doing basic drills.

But Akaashi couldn't focus. All he could think about was you.

The ball dropped to the floor, rolling towards Bokuto who frowned as he picked it up.

"Here," he said, handing it over to Akaashi.

"Thank you, Bokuto-san," replied the younger male politely.

Bokuto narrowed his eyes, noticing the absent look on Akaashi's face.

"What's wrong, Akaashi?" he asked.

Akaashi stiffened and out of habit, started fiddling with his fingers.

" 'Kaashi, I know something's wrong."

It was at times like this Akaashi wished he wasn't an 'intuition' type of person.

By now the rest of the team had stopped their drills, circling Bokuto and Akaashi out of curiosity.

"I'm just distracted, Bokuto-san."

"Really, Akaashi? This has been becoming a common theme these days," said Washio seriously, furrowing his brow.

Akaashi really wanted to disappear now.

"Akaashi, what's really going on?" asked Konoha.

His breath caught in his throat.

"Nationals is around the corner, you can't keep this up," said Washio bluntly.

"I know, Washio-san, it's just that..."

"Just what?"

"(L/N)-san..." came the meek reply as he stared at the ground. "(L/N)-san is the only thing that has been on my mind these days...It's getting quite tiring thinking about her...She makes me feel unusual..."

Akaashi could hear a roar of laughter coming from Bokuto beside him and suggestive whistles from the rest of his teammates.


"Shhh, don't be so loud, Bokuto-san," hissed Akaashi, looking frantically around as if you would suddenly appear.

Bokuto quietened down and looked Akaashi, his big owl-like eyes glowing with excitement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Akaashi, reaching for his water bottle.

Bokuto smirked. "Can I not savour your weird expression now? You're always so calm and composed and the one who's bullying me. It's revenge!"

He's really calm and composed...

"That's not the point right now, Bokuto-san. What were you going to say about me?"

Bokuto started giggling. "Akaashi, you're so dense sometimes!"

I'm just thinking about how dense he is — wait....No way...Surely (L/N)-san wasn't describing me with those exact same words Bokuto-san used?...

"Do you really need me to say it?" said Bokuto in an amused tone. "愛 - ai love, Akaashi, love. L-O-V-E. You're in love with (N/N)-chan!"

A wave of embarrassment rushed through Akaashi, his cheeks flushed.

Komi coughed. "Akaashi...Akaashi is actually blushing?"

Bokuto grinned as he fished his phone out of his pocket, swiped to the camera function and flashed a shot of Akaashi's face.

"Bokuto-san!" exclaimed Akaashi. "Please, do not take a picture of me without my permission!"

Bokuto laughed harder. "This is the first time I have heard you raise your voice! I'm so sending this to (N/N)-chan!"

"Bokuto-san, please don't."

"It's so fun seeing you flustered, Akaashi!"

"I'm not flustered, Bokuto-san."

His blank expression came back quickly but a subtle red tint was still noticeable on his face."I'm not flustered, Bokuto-san. Why do you like seeing me like this? Are you perhaps a sadist?" asked Akaashi bluntly.

"W-what, Akaashi!" stuttered Bokuto. "W-what are you t-talking about?"

"Your voice says otherwise," stated Akaashi coolly.

Bokuto pouted. "I knew this moment was too good to last," he whined. "You don't have to practise with me, Akaashi!

Go confess your love right now! Fruits of love are just as important as volleyball! I'm the best aren't I?!"

"You're being awfully annoying right now, Bokuto-san."

"You will thank me later Akaashi! Now GO!"

"Bokuto-san, it's only 7:45am right now. There's barely anyone here apart from some teachers and other students for morning club activities."

"You really know how to kill the mood, Akaashi."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Akaashi does not kill the mood, he is the mood, lmao.

Anyone else have that one Bokuto friend? No? Just me?

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