Chapter Seven

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Practice was uncomfortable, needless to say. Ever since Bokuto had texted you yesterday, a series of 'irrational' thoughts had been on your mind all day.

Maybe Akaashi really does like me?

It may have been your delusion but you could constantly feel someone staring at you when the team was doing individual drills. 

When you had quickly turned around to see who it was, you would always catch a glimpse of sharp, gunmetal blue before it disappeared. Akaashi's eyes.

As much as you liked the attention, you were agitated.

Is Akaashi really staring at me?...Does he actually like me? I swear if Bokuto is pulling one of his insensitive jokes urgh...

You tried your best not to keep staring back at him when you were pumping up the deflated volleyballs but you couldn't help as your eyes kept trailing back to him.

You had noticed Kaori and Yukie whispering and smiling a lot today as well. 

Just as the drills were finishing up, Kaori ran up to you and dragged you by the arm towards Yukie.

"Kaori-chan? What do you need me to do?"

A sly smile crossed her face. "Nothing much," she replied frankly, her smile growing wider by the second. "Just need you to supervise 3v3 matches."

"The matches?" You creased your forehead. "I need to go fetch and clean the towels though."

"Ah, I will do that with Kaori-chan," said Yukie lazily, handing you a notebook. "Just take notes on the match."

You narrowed your eyes at them. Their behaviour was suspicious but you didn't inquire further, instead sitting down on the side bench to watch the soon-to-begin game.

Akaashi, Konoha and Washio were playing as the Falcons whereas Bokuto, Sarukui and Onaga were the Owls while Komi was helping Anahori improve his receives.

The first set was intense. Although Akaashi wasn't messing up his sets as much as the previous matches, it wasn't enough to overcome Bokuto's powerful spikes. 

You frowned as you noted this down.

Akaashi's sets are still not consistent (prior to his decline in performance) but are better than the previous, few matches played. Many are too high, similarly to before.

Soon the first set was over, the score being 25-18 to the Owls.

Set two wasn't going any better: the Owls were leading 21-13, nearly reaching match point.

Sarukui spiked the ball over the net but it was dug successfully by Washio. The ball sailed to Akaashi. He lifted his arms, ready to set the ball to Konoha jumping eagerly beside him.


The ball grazed his fingertips but before Konoha could leap up and spike it, it flew over him and landed out of bounds.

"Akaashi!" snapped Konoha. " What's wrong? We can't have you keep messing up your sets."

"I'm sorry, Konoha-san," said Akaashi in a low voice, bowing.

"Go easy on him," said Washio, staring at Akaashi worriedly.

You looked on from the edge of the court, uncomfortable. Bokuto's texts came into mind. 'You're the one who made Akaashi look that flustered and mess up his sets you know.'

Blushing, you tried your best to ignore the prospect.

Akaashi sighed. "We should continue on with the game. I promise my sets will be more polished, Konoha-san."

Just as Konoha was seemed to agree, Bokuto caught his eye and started rapidly blinking at him, jerking his head subtly to point to Akaashi. It was as if he was signalling something but you certainly didn't understand, watching the both of them in confusion.

Konoha must have understood the message as his exasperated expression shifted into a knowing smile.

"It's okay, Akaashi. We don't have to resume the game," he said in an innocent tone.

"It does seem as if Akaashi is feeling a bit unwell," added Washio bluntly.

His brow furrowed. "I'm perfectly fine, it's just—"

"Nonsense!" exclaimed Bokuto.

He ran over to where you were standing and gripping you by the arm, dragged you across the court over to Akaashi.

"(N/N)-chan! Akaashi isn't feeling that well!"

"Bokuto-san, really, I'm fine—"

"It's fine, Akaashi! Just let (N/N)-chan take care of you," said Bokuto, a wide grin on his face. "Can you take him to the infirmary please?" he asked, facing you.


"Pretty please, (N/N)-chan?" pleaded Bokuto, his eyes sparkling.


"With a cherry on top?"

"Fine!" you said, provoked, cursing yourself mentally for giving in so easily to Bokuto.

As the two of you walked out of the gym, you turned to glare at Bokuto. He only winked in response, mouthing a 'good luck' to you.

You rolled your eyes. I can't believe they're trying to set me up with Akaashi-san, you thought, embarrassed. That explains their odd behaviour...

Initially, you were annoyed but as you walked to the nurse's office, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending time alone with Akaashi. 

Just the thought of him staring at you as you walked in front of him sent shivers down your back.

The two of you walked along the corridor in an overbearing silence and it wasn't long you and Akaashi had reached the infirmary. You peered inside but it was empty.

"T-the nurse isn't here..."

"It's late after all..." came Akaashi's plain reply. He sat on one of the beds. More silence.

"Do you still feel unwell?" you asked, hoping to make some of the tension go away.

He looked at you intently. A light pink hue dusted your cheeks. 

"I'm fine, (L/N)-san," he said in the smooth voice of his that made you want to stop doing what you were doing and listen to what he had to say. It was music to your ears. "Bokuto-san was just trying to tease me."

"I that's what it was..." you replied, trying to hide your crestfallen face.

Bokuto-san was just trying to tease me...

Those words rang in your head.

Of course Bokuto just had to be joking, you thought, crestfallen. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up...

"Should we go back now? Since you are feeling better?" you suggested, not looking him in the eye.

You heard Akaashi sigh. "(L/N)-san," he said softly, "Look at me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


ASDASKLDJAS will Akaashi confess first or you, reader-chans? hMMmmMm

And Bokuto? Real smooth, real smooth. Best wingman of 2020. ✨

My Sweet Setter (Akaashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now