Chapter Nine

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The progress dating Akaashi was slow but you didn't mind it. You savoured the moments you had with Akaashi amidst his tight schedule of training for Nationals and studying for end of term exams.

Most days you would stay behind and help the volleyball club, with Akaashi walking you home after club activities. Those 15 minutes were without a doubt the happiest you had ever felt.

Without other people around, Akaashi would talk with you openly and honestly. 

He was earnest and heartfelt, pouring his true feelings into whatever he said to you. And for that, you fell for him harder.

Having intimate conversations with him always made you feel closer to him.

Despite publicising the relationship, Akaashi's fangirls we're still relentless in their quest to pursue him. 

The number of times your heart fluttered when Akaashi took you into his arms and professed his love for you in front of his fangirls was enough to make you swoon. 

Akaashi Keiji didn't look like it but he was a possessive man.

Obviously, that didn't turn out well for you. His fangirls worked harder to make life a living hell for you. 

They left mocking messages in your lockers saying you weren't good enough for Akaashi, scribbled on your desk and even went as far as pulling your hair or pinching you when you walked past them.

Needless to say, it didn't end pretty. Akaashi and the rest of the volleyball team realised in no time that you were being bullied. 

Let's just say they would never bother you again, especially after encountering moodish Bokuto and discovering his true nature.

When the team decided to end practice early on rare occasions, you and Akaashi used the opportunity to ditch them and spend time together without the teasing, whistling and suggestive comments from them, especially Bokuto.

They teased you and Akaashi relentlessly, bragging how flawless their plan was to set the two of you up and reminding Akaashi how flustered he was around you to constantly mess his sets before he confessed.

By now you didn't get flustered nor embarrassed with their playful banter as it had become a common part of your day.

As today was the last day of school before winter break, the team had decided to shorten practice.

After handing each of the members the meticulous notes you took on how they could improve, you left the gym with Akaashi, arm in arm.

You hummed happily as you walked along the sidewalk. "Ah I'm so happy it's break!" you exclaimed.

Akaashi smiled at your excitement. It was cute. You grinned back at him, sliding your arm free from his grasp before taking his hand.

You smiled softly when you saw your fingers fit perfectly together with his. 

Akaashi smiled before encasing your soft hands with his own.

"I can't wait to sleep in," you remarked blissfully, eyes sparkling just as the mere thought.


You pouted childishly. "Show some more enthusiasm, Akaashi!"

"I am happy, (L/N)," replied Akaashi smoothly. "I get to spend more time with you."

You giggled, staring lovingly at Akaashi. He really had a way with words to pull your heartstrings.

The two of you walked in a comfortable silence and before long, you had arrived at your house. He walked you up to your doorstep.

"Thank you for walking me home," you said light-heartedly.

You stood on your tip-toes before giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. He couldn't hold back his smile and he returned the kiss, only on your forehead.

"It's a pleasure to walk you home."

You laughed. "Isn't it always?" you said jokingly.

He snorted, playfully rolling your eyes. You chuckled.

"I guess I will see you soon! Bye!" 

Just as you were about to walk in, Akaashi pulled you by the wrist.


You turned around, staring worriedly at him. "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow...Tomorrow, let's spend time together, to visit a shrine for the New Years. 10am at the town square."

"W-what?" you stuttered, unable to process what he had just said.

"I'm asking you on a date."

Akaashi released your hand and nonchalantly, began walking away, leaving you a blushing mess on the porch.

You lifted a hand up to feel your cheeks. They were burning hot. 

Containing your squeals, quickly opened the door and greeted your mum before rushing into your bedroom. 

Straightaway you called Kaori and Yukie.

"(N/N)-chan? What's wrong?" asked Kaori.

"Did you miss us already?" teased Yukie.

"Not yet," you retorted back in a friendly tone.

Yukie sniffled. "You're breaking my heart."

"Anyway," You couldn't keep the excitement out of your voice. "I need your help. I have a date with Akaashi tomorrow. At 10am."

"A date?!" exclaimed the both of them.

"Ah, finally! Akaashi made the move!" teased Kaori.

You smiled ear to ear, blushing as you recalled how he had asked.

"(N/N)-chan? Hello? (N/N)-chan? Stop daydreaming about Akaashi!" whined Yukie, snapping you out of your thoughts of Akaashi, the way he looked at, how your hands fitted so—

"(N/N)!" said Kaori.

"Y-Yea, what?" you answered.

The two of them burst into laughter. "You're so in love," said Yukie in an amused tone.

You tried denying it but it came out as incoherent mumbling over the phone.

"Alright!" said Kaori cheerfully in a determined tone. "What do you need help with?"

"Everything!" you replied. "What do I wear? Should I change my hair? Or wear makeup?"

"Woah, woah, (N/N)-chan, calm down, one question at a time," said Yukie.

"My bad, I'm just really nervous," you replied.

"No worries!" reassured Kaori. "Yukie and Kaori will guide you and you will be ready in no time tomorrow, ready to take your relationship with Akaashi to the next level!"

Your flushed cheeks returned. "W-Wait I'm not ready yet for se—"

"No, (N/N)-chan! Kiss! Your first kiss! Wah, you're not as innocent after all."

I don't want to be innocent when it comes to Akaashi.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OYA OYA OYA, my, my, my ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Reader-chan not so innocent after all~~~ I mean who is innocent after being introduced to Wattpad lmao.

wHaTs a lEmOn? just. a. fruit. 🍋🍋🍋

Go back to your cribs 10 year olds.

And a date with Akaashi? 💦

jUst wAtEr.

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