Chapter Thirteen

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Akaashi fiddled with his fingers. It was habit of his, one he did when he was nervous. And boy was he nervous today. Today was the day he was going to propose to you.

The day started out normally: a date with Akaashi at the park.

"The weather's nice today, isn't it?" you remarked, closing your eyes.

Akaashi nodded but he could only think of his plan to propose.

After the park I will take (F/N) to the restaurant, we'll eat and then I'll...

The peace was disrupted when a volleyball came flying at you. Akaashi dug it with one arm on instinct, deflecting it from your face.

You opened your eyes in an instant, seeing a little boy running up to you guys.

"Woah, onii-san, that was so cool! Do you play volleyball?!" he asked excitedly.

"Well, I did in high school and a bit now in university," answered Akaashi, smiling.

The boy grinned. "I'm Rintaro, you can call me Rin!" he introduced. "What's your name, onii-san, onee-san?"

You chuckled. "I'm (F/N) and the onii-san is called Keiji."

"Wah, (F/N)-nee-san, Keiji-nii-san, can you please play volleyball with me?" pleaded Rintaro.

Akaashi rubbed his nape awkwardly. "We could play for a bit if you want."

"Yes, thank you so much, (F/N)-nee-san, Keiji-nii-san!" exclaimed Rintaro.

He threw up the ball and tried digging it but it fell on the ground. Rintaro pouted.

"When you dig the ball, make sure you keep your arms bent," instructed Akaashi.

"Lean into it as you make contact and try to hit it around your midline so it will go in a straight forward line, like this," he said, flinging the ball for you to dig.

You successfully returned it and Akaashi caught it, handing the ball to Rintaro.

"See how nee-san's shoulders aren't tense? Loosen up your posture. Do you want to try now?"


Rintaro grinned, tossing the ball upwards. Rintaro quickly moved to where it was about to hit the ground. Arms bent, shoulders relaxed, he dug the ball. It flew forwards in a straight line.

Rintaro jumped in joy. "Yes! Thank you so much! How do you guys know so much about volleyball?"

You smirked. "Well, you see, nii-san over there actually went to Fukurodani." Akaashi blushed. "He was actually a setter for Bokuto!"

Rinataro stared at Akaashi in shock. "N-no way..." he stuttered. "That's awesome! I—"

"Rin-chan! It's time to go home now!" called a voice from afar.

"That's my kaa-san!" exclaimed Rintaro. "I need to go now! Bye-bye!" he said as he began running to his mum.

You turned towards Akaashi, grinning. "How does it feel to be admired?" you teased.

Akaashi covered his flushed face with his hand. You laughed.

"It's getting late. We should get something to eat," he said, trying to regain composure.

You bit your lip to hold back your smirk. Akaashi took you by the arm and soon you found yourself in front of a fancy restaurant, eyes widening at the grandiose sight.


He smiled at you. "Let's go in. I made a reservation."

You could only follow him inside and down a hallway before you stopped at a door.

A waiter appeared and opened them, gesturing for you and Akaashi to take a seat at the large table situated in the middle of the room.

"This is...very...nice?"

You looked hesitantly around. The room was adorned with flowers and several candles were lit, a sweet scent wafting through the air.

Akaashi only chuckled. "What would you like to eat?" he asked, handing you a menu.

You glanced through it, trying not to gasp at how expensive the dishes are.

And before long, the food had arrived.

Excitedly, you tried all the different dishes but Akaashi's appetite was small, trying not to overthink how he was going to fulfil the purpose of this date.

"So what's the occasion today?" you casually asked.

Akaashi looked straight up from his meal. "What do you mean?"

You narrowed your eyes playfully. "This is such a classy restaurant," you stated smoothly. "Especially for an uni student."

Akaashi gulped, his stomach feeling full despite not finishing his meal.

You furrowed your brow. "Keiji, dear, are you okay? You look quite pale."

"I'm fine...I actually did bring you here with an intention today..." he admitted.

"Hm? What is it?" you asked curiously.


He took a deep breath, clearing his mind of doubts before he took off his glasses and leaned over the table. Then he kissed you.

"Keiji, why so mhmf—"

It was a gentle kiss at first, before Akaashi tried to prize your mouth open. You let out a soft moan as Akaashi bit your bottom lip, finding your tongue with his.

One hand started caressing your hair as he deepened the kiss, the other gripping your hand.

You stiffened when you felt something being slid up one your fingers. It was cold and it fit perfectly around your finger. No way...a ring...

"I want to give my entire being to you. I love you with all my heart and each day is made better when I spend it with you.

I want to start a family and make more memories together so (F/N), will you please marry me?"

Your eyes widened in a mixture of happiness and surprise. Tears began spilling from your eyes.

"Mo, Keiji, you already know the answer to the question," you laughed, feeling flustered."Of course, I want to marry you! Keiji, you're so sly! Why did you have to propose like that?"

"Bokuto said to make a lasting impression," he replied straightforwardly, wiping your tears.

You pouted, giving him a quick nip on the nose. "When did you ever listen to Bokuto? You're such a tease, Keiji. When did you even buy the ring?"

"A week ago. I was stressed about buying a ring you'd like," he confessed.

This time, you leant forward and kissed him. "Any ring would suffice because I love you, Keiji," you said as your lips brushed delicately against his.

He smiled, any trace of nervousness before disappeared in an instant.

"I love you too."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And lmao I never realised Rintaro was Suna's first name until now ahsajdsjdsk. Random name generator knew I was a Haikyuu simp pft—

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