Chapter Two

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Coming Home

Coming Home

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Cerridwen's P

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Cerridwen's P.O.V

There was an icy numbness that spread throughout my body the further from Volterra that we got. I knew that I would see the kings again soon, but the bond had me feeling like a weight was pressing against my chest. I had mixed feelings about leaving. On one hand, I wanted my family, and would miss them terribly. I had never been without them, not for a single day since I came to them. I was always with at least one of my family members, so the thought of living without them terrified me. On the other, there was a part of me that did not want to leave the kings sides.  We were on the plane, strapping in to ready ourselves for landing in Seattle. Edward had a sleeping Isabella wrapped in his arms, his attention completely enraptured by the human girl. Cerridwen looked over to her mother who was looking out of the airplane window.

"Mama?" I ask, my voice soft.

Immediately my mother turns her head to me, her expression soft and quizzical.

"Yes sweet girl?" she asks, her hand smoothing my hair.

"Are you upset? That I'm their mate?" I ask, my chocolate eyes staring into her golden.

Her expression immediately turns to one of motherly adoration.

"Of course not honey. I know how important mates are, especially true mates. There is nothing more important to a vampire than one. They were made for you, just as you were made for them." she tells me, keeping her voice soft as to not allow any of the humans near us overhear our conversation. "I'm not thrilled about their diet, or the fact that it means that you will have to leave us; but we can always visit, and there is no chance to get them to change how they eat so we will just have to come to terms with it. It is an amazing thing, to find your soulmate while human, and they have waited almost four thousand years for you." she says, before leaning over and kissing me softly on my forehead.

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