Chapter 13

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Sophia's POV

Excitement bubbles in my chest at what I'm about to do. Nerves are also lingering, but I know Rowan will be by my side the whole time.

"Are you ready, love?" Rowan asks as she extends her hand towards me. I nod happily, quickly taking her hand. I let her lead me out of the bedroom that we have been in since we woke up this morning. We walk towards a large metal box that looks quite intimidating. Rowan presses a button that lights up, and then I hear a loud ding.

She looks at me, recognizing the worried look on my face, before giving me a reassuring smile.

She walks into the metal box, practically having to drag me on.

"What is this thing?" I ask looking at the buttons that are on the wall beside the door that soon closes.

Rowan looks shocked for a moment, but quickly wipes that look off her face as she presses one of the buttons. "It is an elevator. It transports you to a different level. It is easier than using the stairs." I just nod, focusing on the hum and vibrations of the elevator. Before I know it, the elevator stops and dings again.

The door opens and I'm met with two people who look to be my parents' age. They have bright smiles on their faces, the woman with blue eyes and dark brown hair and the man with lighter brown hair with brown eyes.

Not knowing what to do, I look to Rowan for answers. She has a peeved smile on her face as she says, "Please give Sophia some space, Mom and Dad." These are her parents?

The woman speaks first, saying excitedly, "It's so nice to meet my daughter's ma- friend!"

Smiling, I immediately feel more comfortable around them than any other stranger I've met before. I start to ramble, happy they are so nice. "Rowan is my second friend ever! My first friend was Sparky, but I don't know where she went. Can you guys be my friends too?"

The man gives me a gentle smile. "Of course we can be your friends, I'm Michael and my wife is Alex. It's really great to meet you."

Rowan smiles at the scene in front of her, before her eyes dart to my staring gaze. She smiles at me, squeezing my hand that she is still holding. "Ready to explore the house?"

I nod as Rowan starts to pull me away from her parents, me waving at them quickly. They wave back, before turning to one another to talk.

Focusing back on Rowan, I see her lead me to a large living room, where a few people are lounging around. They look at me with smiles, before saying, "Hi, Luna." My head darts towards Rowan, my gaze questioning.

She laughs awkwardly, saying, "Her name is Sophia, not Luna." I try to ignore the stares she gives the people who called me 'Luna,' but I can't.

"It was just a mistake, Rowan, they didn't mean to call me the wrong name. It's okay." I give her hand a squeeze, trying to reassure her that everything is okay.

Rowan just nods, before dragging me away to the kitchen, but not before I wave at the people in the living room. I meet a few nice people, but I don't talk much. I'm a little overwhelmed by all the people I'm meeting, still uncomfortable around strangers.

As if sensing this, Rowan leads me back to the elevator. "We are going back to our room. I can tell it's a little much for you, and that's okay," she reassures, trying to make me feel better about the encounters I just had.

Nodding, we head into the elevator. Rowan presses a button, and we start moving. I still can't get over how cool this contraption is. She pulls on my hand to grab my attention and we leave the elevator. I wave goodbye to it too, since it was so cool, I'm going to miss it.

Rowan chuckles at me lightly, before showing me around the floor we are on. "This is my floor, no one else lives here but me, and now you." She has her own kitchen, living room, and multiple bedrooms. I don't know why someone would need so many bedrooms, but I don't question it.

Walking back into the bedroom that is most familiar to me, I run and jump onto the bed, excited to get cuddles. I open my arms up, asking, "Cuddles?"

Rowan smiles, walking over to me quickly before laying down. I wrap my arms around her larger frame as she wraps her arms around my tiny one. I snuggle my head into her neck, catching the faintest scent of coffee and trees. It is a wonderful smell that sends a wave of pleasure throughout my body, and I can't get enough.

I don't think about how odd it is for me to be sniffing her, I just do it. She doesn't seem to mind, sniffing me right back.

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