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Sophia's POV

Anastasia is thirteen, her first shift is going to occur tonight when the moon rises.

After we saved the baby from the rogues, Rowan also felt a connection to her, the need to protect her. She was an orphan, and we adopted her.

We found out her name was Anastasia, and we kept it to honor her parents.

They died because some of the rogues had already left to plan an attack, and we didn't know. Rowan blames herself, but I have to constantly remind her that she couldn't have known.

Now, our little family is in the woods, admiring the night sky, waiting for Anastasia to shift.

"Momma, I'm scared," Ana says, trying to hold in her tears.

"I know sweetheart, I was too. But my parents were here with me every step of the way, and I came out of it stronger than before. We know you can do this." Rowan holds her tiny hands in hers, reassuring her she will be okay. "It will hurt, I won't say that it won't. But when you connect with your wolf, it is an unimaginable feeling."

I stand back and watch my mate talk our daughter through this tough process. I'm no wolf, I would not be any help.

As if catching my train of thought, Rowan gives me the stink eye. I laugh at her face, before walking over to my mate and daughter. "I believe you can do this, Ana. You've been through a lot, but I know you can jump past this hurdle and make it out on the other side."

As she's about to respond, her body starts to contort, her bones breaking in odd directions.

Rowan and I are by her side even with the snapping of bones filling the air. We will not leave our daughter.

Soon, her shift finishes, and she stands up on shaky legs. Her wolf is completely black and has an aura of power surrounding her.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" I ask Rowan, looking at her face that holds a proud smile.

"Yes, our daughter is a true alpha." Rowan then shifts into her wolf form, nudging me to get on her back. I've done this too many times to be scared of it, flying through the trees being my favorite pastime.

"Our daughter is officially a doggie, just like you," I say in Rowan's ear, climbing onto her back as she lays down so it's easier for me.

Rowan initiates a game of chase, with me on her back, and Anastasia runs through the trees once she gets the hang of walking in her wolf form. I admire my new family, missing my old one. But I know that everything in life happens for a reason.

Life may seem cruel and unforgiving, but it all works itself out in the end.

And I'm grateful, because I met Rowan and raised Anastasia.

My innocence was tainted, but I came out of it happier than ever before.


Thank you all so much for reading! I appreciate every single one of you! I hope you enjoyed this book, please leave any way I could improve, I appreciate feedback. There will be a sequel, but I haven't written the book that will correlate with it yet!

Have a great day! -A.P.W

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