Chapter 2

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     Once the room stopped spinning and she felt good enough to move, Hermione got ready as quickly as possible. She stripped off her pajamas and quickly put on her school outfit and robe. The tie around her neck looked not the best but it would have to be good enough. She also just could not stop yawning and her eyes seemed to be heavier then usual. Halfway putting her shoes on and halfway running out the door, her stomach screamed at Hermione to stop but she couldn't. Sprinting down the steps she realized what her face and hair must look like but now was not a time for looks. Pushing open the door her foot hooked on the last step and she tripped. Full-on tripped. Face planted into the carpet beneath her. Her ears seemed to be ringing from shock as she felt warm hands close around hers. Hermione's cheeks flooded with pink and she got up from the ground as fast as humanly possible with the help of Ron. Harry stood behind him his face twisted with the urge of trying not to laugh. Ron, with a look of worry, backed up, giving her space. She stood up rubbing her face, taking in her surroundings. The Gryffindor common room was as cleared out as ever but the fire in the hearth still crackled. Hearing seemed to come back to her head because she heard a dull sound.

     "Hermione, I said are you alright!" Ron's voice echoed in her head, "Does she need to go to Madam Pomfrey?" He mumbled in a quiet voice to Harry. Harry and Ron stared at her. They seemed to be focused on her hair that looked as if she hadn't ever brushed it. Fire burst inside her. She turned to face the two boys she had been friends with for what seemed like forever. They had missed a lot of their breakfast for her. But all thoughts aside Hermione spoke in a small voice.

     "I'm fine." Fiery anger rolled off her tongue as Rons and Harry's eyes widened like a deer in headlights.

     "Oh ok. Erm. I guess let's just go get something to eat then," said Harry fearfully looking to Ron. Both of them sprinted out the painting, not waiting around for the wrath of Hermione. She took a deep breath and felt the numbed pain of the knives. Closing her eyes she realized, she was actually quite hungry.

Hermione Granger: CrampedWhere stories live. Discover now