Chapter 12

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With a final zip of her pink sweater, Hermione grabbed an extra jacket just in case. It seemed a little cloudy today and she didn't want to risk it. After Hermione finished getting ready, she walked out of her dorm to see Ron waiting for her.

"Took you long enough, " he pointed out with a smirk. Hermione narrowed her eyebrows and laughed.

"Well come on were wasting time talking. Harry's probably annoyed enough as it is." Hermione stated with a smile. She walked over to him and together they strode towards the quidditch match.

Once they got outside the sounds of the crowd grew louder and louder. The clouds seemed to be heavy and about to burst. Ron and Hermione quickened their pace, afraid the rain would start to fall.

As both of them quickly sat down in the stands. Hermione looked up at the game and the first thing she saw was dementors crawling around the quidditch field. They were watching from above.

"I wonder why dementors are here. Its not like Sirius Black is going to show up at a quiditch game." Ron said, looking at Hermione.

"I don't know, but they don't seem to be very welcoming." She answered back as she pulled a strand of hair out of her face. Hermione had put her bushy hair in a low pony today so it wouldn't be in her face. Obviously that didn't work.

"Yeah, they don't."

As the game neared close to the end, heavy rain started to fall on all the students. Hermione had brought a jacket but realized it didn't have a hood. She shook her head and shivered as she put it on. Ron noticed this and immediately took off his jacket with a hood, showing off his grey sweater with stripes. He started to put the jacket on Hermione but hesitated for a second.

"Mione, do you need this?" Hermione thought for a moment.

"No its okay, I dont want you to be cold. Really I'm fine." She said. Ron shook his head.

"No I insist. Look, you're shivering"

"Well okay." Hermione finally gave in and let Ron put the jacket on her. She smiled as the noises of the crowd came back. The warmth of his jacket felt like heaven and, she realized, it smelled of apples, cinnamon, and Rons hair.

Hi anyone who is reading this! I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a really long time but here is one chapter lol. Anyways, this story is kinda becoming a Romione fanfiction which is fine, but I'm going to try to steer it back to the main focus of the story. Hermione getting her period.

Well, I'll try to post more frequently and I hope you had a good Christmas or anything else you celebrate!
Ok bye, this is long.

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